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Tebin Raouf
Tebin Raouf

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Building Web Components 101 - Part 4

Part 3 covers how to create custom attributes. Let's continue in this article on how to create custom events for our custom web components.

I will start with where we left off in Part 3. To access the source code in this article, you can clone the project at

or you can use Stackblitz

We use attributes to send/pass data to the web component. Events are useful to get data or send data to the consumer of the web component so that they can use it to build application logic.

To create a custom event, there are two steps:

  1. Identify the element in the web component template to receive the custom event.
  2. Emit the event so that users can add the custom event and get any data.

Here, we want to add onClick to the h1 element so that every time we click, we send new data to the customer. In this case, when we click, we send back a new Albert Einstein quote. It's up to the user how to handle this new quote. In our example, we update the quote.

Steps in detail:

  1. Update h1.template.ts and add an onClick event listener. In FAST, the syntax to add an event listener is @click="${x => x.handler()}" where @click is the event name, which is onClick, and x.handler() is the handler/controller on the element class, which will be defined in h1.ts where the custom element class is created.
import { html } from "@microsoft/fast-element";

export const template = html`
-    <h1 style="color: ${x => x.color}">
+    <h1 style="color: ${x => x.color}" @click="${x => x.handler()}">
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  1. Update h1.ts to include a private method handler. This could be any name.
    private handler() {
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By doing so, now our web component consumer can add a custom event colorhandler to the web component like below:

We added an id to the custom element.

<tebin-h1 color="blue" id="blue-title">Albert Einstein</tebin-h1>
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We then use addEventListener to add a custom event, which is named colorhandler.

        document.getElementById("blue-title").addEventListener('colorhandler', function (e) {
//business logic
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How to send data to the web element consumer?

In this example, we are randomly sending a new quote through our custom event colorhandler. To do so, when we emit the colorhandler, we send the data with it like below:

    private handler() {
        const quotes = ["We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them", "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.", "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.", "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.", "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."];
        const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length);

        this.$emit('colorhandler', quotes[random])
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The data can be anything. In this case, we send back a string.

Lastly, the web element consumer can get the quote through the event detail i.e. e.detail like below.

        document.getElementById("blue-title").addEventListener('colorhandler', function (e) {
            document.getElementById("ae-quote").innerText = e.detail;
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Now, every time someone clicks on the custom web element title, the description changes with a new quote.

A gif that shows different quotes

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