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Shan Ali Mastoi
Shan Ali Mastoi

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Know your goals

Know your goals
IN our life aim is one thing for whom we are trying to reach, and it is the only final destination of our life’s travel.
IF we don’t know where we are going then surely believe that we will vanish in this dark world which is full of monsters, because if we travel without knowing the destination (Ending point)
We go nowhere.
“Philip MC Grew”
: Says in his book “life strategies ” that if you are unable to explain your destination then believe me you can’t achieve it.
No dream will become true until we go for it Until we don’t know what we want to do? What is the purpose of our life?
A writer finds any topic/title actually it the half story that he makes in his mind, he makes a purpose in his mind for thinking and collecting ideas and thoughts for it than that single thought will be the complete story or book.
The same way other tasks can’t be completed without working for them.
That’s why it is necessary to have a purpose in life, so as soon as we can achieve it.
It is necessary to courage the children as they can know their aim of life, as before going to school or college they should have any special purpose of their life as they start collecting ideas and related thing to their aims.

“Allah Talla has nothing done specially for that person he who don’t think for success or he is unaware about his aim of life because aim/dream is the initial point for being the successful person. (T.T. Munger)

Think for a while that there is a student who has recently completed his secondary and about to go to college and he doesn’t know that what will he be? Or what he wanted to be?
Means Doctor, Teacher, Engineer, Judge, Lawer or any other professional person, etc.
Does he work hard without knowing the purpose of his life what will he do?
It is big success to set a goal for life. Look at successful peoples around yourself and notice how they had set their goals, how they worked hard, and know-how they are living their life.
There is no doubt if you work hard you will be successful in your life.

Some Key Point
Being a successful person it is necessary for you to set the goals for your life.
Making the decision of goals should be part of your planning.
Think about high achievements and there is no doubt that you will be successful.
As soon as you make the decision on a goal it will save your time and power for achieving it.
Work hard to achieve your goals, for achieving your goals you should remember your goals.
Selecting targets will help you to achieve your goals.

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