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Multiple line array functions without 'return'

What to do when lintern tells you that the line is too long, but you only have one line of code to return.


So I have a line of code:

const  someLongName = aLotOfstuff.filter(longStuff  =>  longStuff.longField === 'some very long string);
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Linter warns me that this line is longer than it should be, so I need to break it up somehow. I could go with thee return route:

const  someLongName = aLotOfstuff.filter(longStuff  =>  {
    return longStuff.longField === 'some very long string);
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but that's not nice is it? I want to avoid using the unnecessary 'return'.


So how can I do that? Youn can just use brackets:

const  someLongName = aLotOfstuff.filter(longStuff  =>  (
    longStuff.longField === 'some very long string);
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