DEV Community

Rahat Chowdhury
Rahat Chowdhury

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The Sylar Project V 1.0.0

The unpolished MVP for The Sylar Project is now complete! Since we do have until the 10th for the hackathon I'm going to do a bit more polishing on the UI before making the final post for submission but it may well be the next post I make on this. Super excited to already have this up and working. I'm currently looking at domains since this is absolutely at a point where it deserves one. For the first time, I did not buy a domain for a side project before finishing it. πŸ˜…

So what's new on this one? It got a nice styling upgrade, I love tailwind UI which let me quickly (minutes the time spent figuring out what I liked) create the UI for this. I've enjoyed using Tailwind quite a bit for this and not worrying about writing CSS from scratch.

I now have two serverless functions running - one for getting all the resources and one for accepting new resources that will be sent to my Airtable backend. Once I approve it it will appear in the database. Due to the nature of these resources, I find myself not putting too much faith in trolls not being trolls.

I've been diving deep into React Context, I'm pretty sure there are improvements that can be made into the way I implemented it and I'm hoping to explore that a bit post MVP. I like the different hooks I don't use as much that I've been able to use here, like the useReducer for the form as well as useRef for the outside clicks on the dropdown.

Check out the current implementation of the site below! This is open source feel free to take a look at some open issues or fork this to create a version for your country or local community. You can do so easily with the deploy to Digital Ocean button in the readme!

Top comments (1)

raddevus profile image

That looks really great and I tried it out on desktop and at "phone" sizes too and it is nice clean design.