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Dimitrios Desyllas

Greedings I am Dimitrios Desyllas aka pc_magas. I am a php software engineer. I am interested in privacy enhancing technologies, cryptography and reverse engineering.

Location Acharnes, Greece Joined Joined on  Personal website github website


MSc at Digital Systems Security at Univercity Of Peireus


Yo Wazz up bro!


Volunteer Sysadmin at ELLAK of Cyprus - open for opportunities.

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
Three Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Two Year Club
One Year Club
8 Week Writing Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
External Versioning in GCC: Defining Project Versions Without Modifying Source Code

External Versioning in GCC: Defining Project Versions Without Modifying Source Code

2 min read

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Do not use from with getRepository when creating query builder

Do not use from with getRepository when creating query builder

3 min read
How I can join with count subquery upon doctrine?

How I can join with count subquery upon doctrine?

1 min read
Stuck on Debian Packaging

Stuck on Debian Packaging

2 min read
Implications of using Aws cognito in Laravel 11 that uses the pool's user_id as application's User Id.

Implications of using Aws cognito in Laravel 11 that uses the pool's user_id as application's User Id.

4 min read
Simplifying Internal APIs with Direct AWS Lambda Invocation

Simplifying Internal APIs with Direct AWS Lambda Invocation

4 min read
TIP: How to transfer terminal session between IDE and terminal Emulator?

TIP: How to transfer terminal session between IDE and terminal Emulator?

1 min read
Update Django Key using .env

Update Django Key using .env

1 min read
How to load .env in Django Project

How to load .env in Django Project

1 min read
How I can massively upload files into openai so I can make my vector?

How I can massively upload files into openai so I can make my vector?

1 min read
How I can run elasticsearch locally for development using docker?

How I can run elasticsearch locally for development using docker?

1 min read
Getting form id, obvious solution not working. Here's an alternate approach.

Getting form id, obvious solution not working. Here's an alternate approach.

1 min read
Wrote a book (And it is not about coding, and yeap it is in Greek)

Wrote a book (And it is not about coding, and yeap it is in Greek)

1 min read
Answer: How I can run specific phinx seeder and get the generated records in phpunit?

Answer: How I can run specific phinx seeder and get the generated records in phpunit?

1 min read
How to run a phpunit unit test with a specific dataset

How to run a phpunit unit test with a specific dataset

1 min read
Serving different routes depending the port webserver serves my applciation in laravel.

Serving different routes depending the port webserver serves my applciation in laravel.

1 min read
Difference between `this` and `` upon a event listener in JS (using jquery)

Difference between `this` and `` upon a event listener in JS (using jquery)

Comments 2
1 min read
Why I am unable to register service worker in my Firebase Vanilla JS app?

Why I am unable to register service worker in my Firebase Vanilla JS app?

1 min read
How I can isolate the created resources in multiple module imports?

How I can isolate the created resources in multiple module imports?

1 min read
How I can order the returned results by relevance in mysql or mariadb when I use like statement in where?

How I can order the returned results by relevance in mysql or mariadb when I use like statement in where?

Comments 2
1 min read
How I can prevent the redirections in API using middleware on Laravel 11?

How I can prevent the redirections in API using middleware on Laravel 11?

Comments 3
1 min read
Nothing spectacular just a small lib for placing fontawesome upon radios, checkboxes and multi-select.

Nothing spectacular just a small lib for placing fontawesome upon radios, checkboxes and multi-select.

1 min read
Why I am unable to trigger the custom version bump script upon merging in master?

Why I am unable to trigger the custom version bump script upon merging in master?

1 min read
How to sync a Nested Set(self-referencing) table into closure table using triggers?

How to sync a Nested Set(self-referencing) table into closure table using triggers?

1 min read
Why bootstrap js not loaded in my vite config?

Why bootstrap js not loaded in my vite config?

1 min read
Why scemantic-release fails to tag my lib and release it?

Why scemantic-release fails to tag my lib and release it?

1 min read
Why I cannot populate using afterMaking with a referencing record in my factories?

Why I cannot populate using afterMaking with a referencing record in my factories?

1 min read
How I can traverse a tree structure using closure tables in order to create a json at Eloquent models?

How I can traverse a tree structure using closure tables in order to create a json at Eloquent models?

1 min read
How I limit further the foreign key in my database?

How I limit further the foreign key in my database?

1 min read
How I can see what queries run in my mssql server once I exeture them via eloquent model?

How I can see what queries run in my mssql server once I exeture them via eloquent model?

2 min read
Why running a container via docker sdk in python I get different output compared to the actual command line?

Why running a container via docker sdk in python I get different output compared to the actual command line?

1 min read
How to install Linux Mint as MBR? (And resolve this pesky kernel panic upon boot in a fresh installation)

How to install Linux Mint as MBR? (And resolve this pesky kernel panic upon boot in a fresh installation)

1 min read
Why php does not verify the certificate using my ca cert installed globally?

Why php does not verify the certificate using my ca cert installed globally?

1 min read
Configure Psysh for magento 2.x.

Configure Psysh for magento 2.x.

2 min read
How To: reindex customers after writing directly to `customer_entity` table

How To: reindex customers after writing directly to `customer_entity` table

1 min read
Do you commit the ./vendor in magento projects?

Do you commit the ./vendor in magento projects?

Comments 4
1 min read
Why Elasticsearch is terminated upon if mount a volume?

Why Elasticsearch is terminated upon if mount a volume?

4 min read
How I can apply a patch to specific files depending the installed version of a composer dependency

How I can apply a patch to specific files depending the installed version of a composer dependency

1 min read
Can I commit changes and push changes into my vendor if I use vcs as composer repository?

Can I commit changes and push changes into my vendor if I use vcs as composer repository?

1 min read
Why I am unable to clone using ssh

Why I am unable to clone using ssh

1 min read
Why npm fails to install nessesary files in my Dockerfile?

Why npm fails to install nessesary files in my Dockerfile?

1 min read
How I can install htmlpurifier to my own custom module?

How I can install htmlpurifier to my own custom module?

1 min read
Does magento 2.4 has build-in mechanisms for xss prevention or should I use my own?

Does magento 2.4 has build-in mechanisms for xss prevention or should I use my own?

1 min read
How I can convert my form into a singe column one and place a WYSIWYG editor in magento 2.4?

How I can convert my form into a singe column one and place a WYSIWYG editor in magento 2.4?

1 min read
How I can get products using multiple skus?

How I can get products using multiple skus?

1 min read
How to select a File Using Ctrl+P In PHPstorm as I did in VSCode and VSCodium

How to select a File Using Ctrl+P In PHPstorm as I did in VSCode and VSCodium

1 min read
Using An object method as a callable to update GDPR consent in DB

Using An object method as a callable to update GDPR consent in DB

2 min read
Answer: How I can change a mobx state upon a receival of a background message from firebase?

Answer: How I can change a mobx state upon a receival of a background message from firebase?

1 min read
How I can mock a successfull insertion at Eloquent ORM?

How I can mock a successfull insertion at Eloquent ORM?

1 min read
Constraint fails to prevent the insertion. Do you know why?

Constraint fails to prevent the insertion. Do you know why?

Comments 1
1 min read
Should I run wp-cli crons as a deaemon or as a crontab?

Should I run wp-cli crons as a deaemon or as a crontab?

1 min read
Will nodejs' mongodb client will create a new db for me?

Will nodejs' mongodb client will create a new db for me?

1 min read
How to make a batch process that emails big CSV (~1-2 Mbytes) from complex unoptimized queries using laravel.

How to make a batch process that emails big CSV (~1-2 Mbytes) from complex unoptimized queries using laravel.

2 min read
How I can verify that an incomming http body is multipart/form-data using regex and nodejs?

How I can verify that an incomming http body is multipart/form-data using regex and nodejs?

1 min read
What is your opinion, should I generate appointment schedule upon read or write?

What is your opinion, should I generate appointment schedule upon read or write?

1 min read
How I can display the numeric value of the day of week into Greek?

How I can display the numeric value of the day of week into Greek?

1 min read
How I can detect duplicate records in postgresql before aplying a unique Index

How I can detect duplicate records in postgresql before aplying a unique Index

1 min read
Postgresql Proxy for analyzing complex and legacy db schema on spaghetti code

Postgresql Proxy for analyzing complex and legacy db schema on spaghetti code

2 min read
How I can get the selected option on element upon change in Jquery?

How I can get the selected option on element upon change in Jquery?

1 min read
How I can trim seconds out of a timestamp in postgresql?

How I can trim seconds out of a timestamp in postgresql?

1 min read