DEV Community

Jörg Rech for PayDevs

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What are the main problems of maintaining open-source software?

Maintaining open-source software can present a number of challenges, including:

  • Overwhelm: With the growing popularity of open-source software, maintainers can be flooded with an overwhelming number of issues, pull requests, and feature requests from users. This can be difficult to keep up with and can lead to feelings of burnout and frustration.
  • Lack of support: Many open-source maintainers work on their projects in their free time, without the support or recognition that they deserve. This can lead to feelings of isolation and can make it difficult for maintainers to sustain their projects over the long term.
  • Limited resources: Maintaining an open-source project often requires a significant amount of time and effort. Maintainers may struggle to find the resources they need to keep up with the demands of the community and may need to rely on donations or other forms of funding to support their work.
  • Legal and financial complexities: Open-source projects can be subject to a range of legal and financial considerations, such as licensing, trademarks, and taxes. Maintainers may need to navigate these complexities in order to sustain their projects and avoid legal issues.

Overall, the challenges of maintaining open-source software can be significant, and can require a great deal of time, effort, and expertise to overcome.

Thats why we should support open source maintainers and create a sustainable ecosystem.

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