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Patrick O'Dacre
Patrick O'Dacre

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Space Shooter Game with SDL2 and Odin - Part 2 - Render Player

Part 2 :: Rendering an Image

Rendering an image requires initialization of the SDL Image library.

Steps to Render an Image

  1. Initialize SDL_Image for the asset file types you want to use.
  2. Load a Texture
  3. Keep that Texture in an Entity struct that also tracks the entity's position.
  4. SDL.RenderCopy() to draw the entity to the scene before SDL.RenderPresent()


The Image library extends the core library to allow for using .png images when we use the SDL_Image.INIT_PNG flag.


In cases where you're rendering for 2d and you do NOT have to manipulate an image (other than resizing and changing position), LoadTexture() is the most efficient way to load an image asset. See

player_texture := SDL_Image.LoadTexture(game.renderer, "assets/player.png")
assert(player_texture != nil, SDL.GetErrorString())

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SDL_Image.LoadTexture() will return nil on an error, so it is a good idea to check that before continuing with our code.

There is a mistake in the code below, and you may not understand why your player.png isn't loading if you didn't use an assert() here:

// try using an assert here to see the problem:
player_texture := SDL_Image.LoadTexture(game.renderer, "/assets/player.png")

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Entity :: struct

Entity structs are a simple way to keep track of entity positions and their loaded textures which you need for subsequent calls to SDL.RenderCopy().

Entity :: struct
    tex: ^SDL.Texture,
    dest: SDL.Rect,

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If you're using a sprite sheet with many sprites, you will also need to keep track of the source position of the image on the sprite sheet:

Entity :: struct
    tex: ^SDL.Texture,
    source: SDL.Rect,
    dest: SDL.Rect,

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At this point in our code we do not need to track a source because we're loading the entire image.


Because we are loading the entire image, we can pass nil to the SDL.RenderCopy() function in place of the source SDL.Rect struct:

SDL.RenderCopy(game.renderer, game.player.tex, nil, &game.player.dest)

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SDL.RenderCopy() is called after all inputs are handled and any updates are made to the player struct's position.

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