It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.
Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿
Top comments (42)
I learned a lot of Github Actions and Shell bash (Yes I mixed both, don't @ me)
Github actions are great!
In this week I focused more on python and improving my skills by creating projects I also learned some ReactJs, It was a great week
I also worked on React this week! 🙌
what project were you working on? for me am trying to create a slack clone..
That's awesome! 🔥
I underestimated how tricky I would find React to learn having attempted to dive in converting a Vue app to React and have struggled much more than I thought I would so I need to learn it from the basics.
Definitely check out the React documentation and @kentcdodds has a great free Beginner React course on egghead. They’re both amazing resources to get started with React.
I've tried reading the docs and haven't found them massively helpful to be honest more confusing given the examples use class based components yet using CRA they are functional.... but that course looks good I. will check it out thanks.
I learned how to use a sampler! Been making beats. 🎧
I migrated our old svg-based web drawing tool to use Paper.js and learned a lot about it. The learning curve is a bit steep but it seems like a really powerful tool for vector-based graphics!
Sounds like it would make for a great post on DEV!
I've been learning a lot about the discontinued but picked up by the community operating system called plan9. It was made by the same people who brought you C, unix, and later Go. the community maintained release is called 9front and they keep an archive of all the papers on
I learned SPI and I2C protocols, SSH, how to run a script on linux at startup, and how to setup an EC2 on AWS, phew all for a headless raspberry pi project where I turned a mini arcade into a controller for a remote cat toy lol
I learned some html tags, some JavaScript tricks(one of them lets you create range arrays in a shorter form which to be fair is only useful for clash of code short mode😂), the way automatic semicolon insertion in JavaScript work and the declare keyword in Typescript so I could use a package called react-media-hook which has no type declarations. The sad part of this story is that I discovered afterwards that a library that I was already using(material-ui) had this functionality with types😂
Submitted 4 pull requests for Hacktoberfest 2020 in October.