It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.
Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿
Top comments (20)
I started working with mapbox for a feature at work. I've learned a bit about sources, layers, and mapbox studio. I need to figure out how to turn geojson data in to shapes. I found the mapbox Tippecanoe tool, but haven't managed to generate something useful yet.
In my free time I learned a bit about v-slots and the vue router.
one of the tings I learnt this week is firebase analytics and mouse-hover pre-rendering with ReactQuery...
I documented firebase analytics if somebody wants to see
OThat's awesome! 🔥
This week win will be:
I'm working my way through a JS course and learnt about optional chaining and nullish coalescing operator (seriously what kind of name is that...)
The nullish coalescing operator comes from C# as far as I know, much like async/await came from .NET. In terms of the name it’s a little long, but it makes sense. Naming is hard. 😎
Oh ok I did not know that every day is a school day :)
Didn't learned anything, working from home 🏡 schedule is so busy 🥺
Make time for yourself! Don’t stress if you were too busy. 😎
I learnt frequency counters, two pointers, sliding window and recursion patterns. I'm preparing for interviews!
I learned to find time for myself :3
Learnt a lot about ExpressJS, NodeJS and what parameters must be taken into account to launch a new idea as entrepreneur.
I have learned about ‘how does the internet Work’.
And different between developer and software engineer.
Also i get more information about closure function in php.