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Natalia Tepluhina profile picture

Natalia Tepluhina

Vue.js core team member. Google Developer Expert, conference speaker and all this stuff. Needs coffee to operate

Location Kyiv, Ukraine Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


Senior Frontend Engineer at GitLab

Six Year Club
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Two Year Club
One Year Club
Top 7
Six tips to improve your code review skills

Six tips to improve your code review skills

Comments 8
3 min read

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Testing Vue+Apollo: 2020 edition

Testing Vue+Apollo: 2020 edition

Comments 6
8 min read
Three awesome tools for GraphQL developer experience

Three awesome tools for GraphQL developer experience

Comments 5
6 min read
Wrapping REST API calls with Apollo Client: 'do-it-yourself' approach

Wrapping REST API calls with Apollo Client: 'do-it-yourself' approach

Comments 3
5 min read
Vue Apollo v4: the first look

Vue Apollo v4: the first look

Comments 11
9 min read
Data visualizations with Vue and D3: counting stars (part 2)

Data visualizations with Vue and D3: counting stars (part 2)

Comments 1
5 min read
Apollo state management in Vue application

Apollo state management in Vue application

Comments 25
9 min read
Building a Desktop App with Vue: NW.js

Building a Desktop App with Vue: NW.js

Comments 43
8 min read
How to build a Vue CLI plugin

How to build a Vue CLI plugin

Comments 2
8 min read
Building a Desktop App with Vue: Electron

Building a Desktop App with Vue: Electron

Comments 30
8 min read
Building a Desktop App with Vue: Vuido

Building a Desktop App with Vue: Vuido

Comments 36
6 min read
Testing vue-apollo Components with Jest

Testing vue-apollo Components with Jest

Comments 11
7 min read