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Mike Young
Mike Young

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A beginner's guide to the Stable-Diffusion-Inpainting model on Replicate

This is a simplified guide to an AI model called Stable-Diffusion-Inpainting. If you like these kinds of guides, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.

Model overview

stable-diffusion-inpainting is a model created by Stability AI that can fill in masked parts of images using the Stable Diffusion text-to-image model. It is built on top of the Diffusers Stable Diffusion v2 model and can be used to edit and manipulate images in a variety of ways. This model is similar to other inpainting models like GFPGAN, which focuses on face restoration, and Real-ESRGAN, which can enhance the resolution of images.

Model inputs and outputs

The stable-diffusion-inpainting model takes in an initial image, a mask indicating which parts of the image to inpaint, and a prompt describing the desired output. It then generates a new image with the masked areas filled in based on the given prompt. The model can produce multiple output images based on a single input.


  • Prompt: A text description of the desired output image.
  • Image: The initial image to be inpainted.
  • Mask: A black and white image used to indicate which parts of the input image should be inpainted.
  • Seed: An optional random seed to control the generated output.
  • Scheduler: The scheduling algorithm to use during the diffusion process.
  • Guidance Scale: A value controlling the trade-off between following the prompt and staying close to the original image.
  • Negative Prompt: A text description of things to avoid in the generated image.
  • Num Inference Steps: The number of denoising steps to perform during the diffusion process.
  • Disable Safety Checker: An option to disable the safety checker, which can be useful for certain applications.


  • Image(s): One or more new images with the masked areas filled in based on the provided prompt.


The stable-diffusion-inpainting model can be used to edit and manipulate images in a variety of ways. For example, you could use it to remove unwanted objects or people from a photograph, or to fill in missing parts of an image. The model can also be used to generate entirely new images based on a text prompt, similar to other text-to-image models like Kandinsky 2.2.

What can I use it for?

The stable-diffusion-inpainting model can be useful for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Photo editing: Removing unwanted elements, fixing blemishes, or enhancing photos.
  • Creative projects: Generating new images based on text prompts or combining elements from different images.
  • Content generation: Producing visuals for articles, social media posts, or other digital content.
  • Prototype creation: Quickly mocking up designs or visualizing concepts.

Companies could potentially monetize this model by offering image editing and manipulation services, or by incorporating it into creative tools or content generation platforms.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with the stable-diffusion-inpainting model is to use it to remove or replace specific elements in an image, such as a person or object. You could then generate a new image that fills in the masked area based on the prompt, creating a seamless edit. Another idea is to use the model to combine elements from different images, such as placing a castle in a forest scene or adding a dragon to a cityscape.

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