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Hadrien Lejard
Hadrien Lejard

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Angular Dart Router - How to protect a route using RouterHook

In this article, you will learn how to protect a route with RouterHook and CanActivate guard. I will assume you already setup your Angular dart application and basic routing, if not you can follow the Tour of Heroes tutorial from the Angular team.


Before we start, you must have a way to know if the user is logged in (or not). I won't cover how to implements authentication but you should have something similar to the following interface.

abstract class AuthService {
  bool get isLogged;

  // request API or check storage then set isLogged boolean
  Future<void> checkIsLogged();

  ... login, register
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Let's begin

We have the following routes.


  • must be accessible only if the user is not logged
  • redirect to dashboard if the user already logged in


  • user must be logged in to access
  • redirect to login if the user not logged

The fastest way to protect a route would be to implements CanActivate class on each route.

import 'package:angular_router/angular_router.dart';

class DashboardPageComponent implements CanActivate {
  final AuthService authService;


  Future<bool> canActivate(RouterState current, RouterState next) {
    // don't activate the route if not logged
    return authService.isLogged;
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But this method produces a lot of boilerplate code and is harder to maintain once your app is getting bigger. You need to implement it on each component route you want to protect.

Instead, we need to execute the isLogged check on every route and we need a way to configure which route is protected and which one is not. To do so, we will use a RouterHook that implements the canActivate method and we will use a custom config on our route definitions.

Route definitions

import 'package:angular_router/angular_router.dart';

import 'login.template.dart' as login_template;
import 'dashboard.template.dart' as dashboard_template;

class RouteConfig {
  final bool protected;
  final bool redirectIfLoggedIn;

    this.protected = false,
    this.redirectIfLoggedIn = false,

final routes = [
    path: 'login',
    component: login_template.LoginPageComponentNgFactory,
    additionalData: RouteConfig(redirectIfLoggedIn: true),
    path: 'dashboard',
    component: dashboard_template.DashboardPageComponentNgFactory,
    additionalData: RouteConfig(protected: true),
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A class should extend this class and be injected along with the router to hook into route navigation. Documentations

Basically, this is a way to execute router guard each time the router is trying to navigate to a route instead on implementing it on every route component. (CanActivate, OnActivate, OnDeactivate ...)

import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'package:angular_router/angular_router.dart';

class AppRouterHook extends RouterHook {
  final AuthService _authService;
  final Injector _injector;

  AppRouterHook(this._authService, this._injector);

  // Lazily inject `Router` to avoid cyclic dependency.
  Router _router;
  Router get router => _router ??= _injector.provideType(Router);

  Future<bool> canActivate(
    Object componentInstance,
    RouterState oldState,
    RouterState newState,
  ) async {
    // TODO: check user access
    return true;
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By default, the canActivate method will let the user enter on every route.

Why use _injector.provideType(Router) ?

The Router cannot be injected in our RouterHook, because the Hook will also be injected in the angular Router and would cause cyclic dependency.

Then get the current RouteConfig and check user access.

final config = newState.routePath.additionalData;
if (config is RouteConfig) {
  if (config.protected && !_authService.isLogged) {
    // redirect to login if not logged
      NavigationParams(replace: true),
    return false;

  if (config.redirectIfLoggedIn && _authService.isLogged) {
    // redirect to dashboard if logged in
      NavigationParams(replace: true),
    return false;
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Initialize AuthService

You must get the user state before we initialize the router or Angular will try to navigate before we actually know if the user is logged in or not.

import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'package:angular_router/angular_router.dart';

  selector: 'my-app',
  styleUrls: ['app_component.css'],
  template: '<router-outlet *ngIf="isReady" [routes]="routes"></router-outlet>',
  directives: [
class AppComponent {
  final AuthService authService;

  bool isReady = false;

  AppComponent(this.authService) {
    authService.checkIsLogged().then((_) {
      isReady = true;
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Finally inject it along with the Router and voila!

  ClassProvider(AuthService, useClass: AuthServiceImpl),
  ClassProvider(RouterHook, useClass: AppRouterHook),
final injectorFactory = template.injectorFactory$Injector;
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Going further

You can customize the RouteConfig to follow your own rules, like protecting a route depending on User roles.

RouteConfig(allowedRoles: [Role.admin, Role.editor]);
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Or redirect to a different path.

RouteConfig(redirectIfNotLogged: 'home');
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Top comments (5)

mitai profile image

Thank you, can you write a series of articles for beginners on Angulardart?

lejardh profile image
Hadrien Lejard

I am planning to do that, maybe not a step by step guide but probably articles about specific cases. Do you have something in mind that is not cover by the angular guide ?

mitai profile image

their official tutorial "Tutorial: Tour of Heroes" is just a horror, there is not a single word about the output of images, how to work with gRPC (Google technology) not a word, I tried to finish this tutorial not how many times but in the lesson on routing every time I get stuck, perhaps because I am not a professional programmer...

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lejardh profile image
Hadrien Lejard

GRPC is not related to Angular, this is just a library to do networking.
Where did you get stuck on routing ?
Output of images ?

Angular ecosystem can be difficult as a beginner, you should start to learn basic web programmation and Dart first

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mitai profile image

With the output of the image, I figured out how it turned out they could not be placed in the SRC
I did not fully understand the 5th lesson