When no data structure is specified when loading the data, OpenSearch uses dynamic mapping to automatically detect the fields. To check the mapping definition of your data, OpenSearch client provides a function called get_mapping
as shown:
import pprint
INDEX_NAME = 'epicurious-recipes'
mapping_data = os_client.indices.get_mapping(INDEX_NAME)
# Find index doc_type
doc_type = list(mapping_data[INDEX_NAME]["mappings"].keys())[0]
schema = mapping_data[INDEX_NAME]["mappings"][doc_type]
fields = list(schema.keys())
You should be able to see the fields's output:
And the mapping with the fields and their respective types.
{'calories': {'type': 'float'},
'categories': {'fields': {'keyword': {'ignore_above': 256, 'type': 'keyword'}},
'type': 'text'},
'date': {'type': 'date'},
'desc': {'fields': {'keyword': {'ignore_above': 256, 'type': 'keyword'}},
'type': 'text'},
'directions': {'fields': {'keyword': {'ignore_above': 256, 'type': 'keyword'}},
'type': 'text'},
'fat': {'type': 'float'},
'ingredients': {'fields': {'keyword': {'ignore_above': 256,
'type': 'keyword'}},
'type': 'text'},
'protein': {'type': 'float'},
'rating': {'type': 'float'},
'sodium': {'type': 'float'},
'title': {'fields': {'keyword': {'ignore_above': 256, 'type': 'keyword'}},
'type': 'text'}}
Read more about OpenSearch mapping in the official OpenSearch documentation.
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