In this section, I explain about how to create a file with metadata. These files usually have a torrent extension, like "xxx.torrent".
What is a torrent file.
These torrent files contain information for connecting other peer and about target data 's HASH and name etc
- Tracker Server Address (Optional)
- File Name or Directory Name
- Piece Info
- Data's Hash Info
- Data Size etc
Create a Torrentfile with Libtorrent
Let's crate a torrent file with libtorrent.
Source Code
First of all. The completed code is below.
// Create a torrent file
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ g++ main_tiny_torrentfile_creator.cpp -o torrentfile_creator.out -ltorrent-rasterbar -lpthread
std::string to_absolute_path(std::string args);
std::string extract_parent_path(std::string filepath);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::string target_tracker_address = "<Your Tracker Address>";
std::string target_file_path = "<Your Target File Path>";
// setup file storage
std::string source_absolute_path = to_absolute_path(target_file_path);
lt::file_storage fs;
lt::create_flags_t flags = {};
lt::add_files(fs, source_absolute_path, flags);
// create torrent creator
lt::create_torrent torrent(fs, 16*1024);
if(target_tracker_address.length() > 0) {
// add hash info
lt::set_piece_hashes(torrent, extract_parent_path(source_absolute_path));
// generate metadata
lt::entry entry_info = torrent.generate();
// convert to bencoding
std::vector<char> torrentfile_source;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(torrentfile_source), entry_info); // metainfo -> binary
std::cout.write(,torrentfile_source.size()); // binary -> stdout
return 0;
std::string to_absolute_path(std::string path) {
if(path.length() == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to current_dir");
if(path[0] == '/') {
return path;
char current_dir_path[2056];
auto ret = getcwd(current_dir_path, sizeof(current_dir_path));
if(ret == NULL) {
std::cerr << "failed to current_dir ";
throw std::runtime_error("failed to current_dir");
if(, 2, "./")) {
path = path.substr(2);
return std::string(current_dir_path) + "/" + path;
std::string extract_parent_path(std::string filepath)
if (filepath.empty()) {
return filepath;
int pos = filepath.find_last_of("/");
return filepath.substr(0,pos);
Setup target file info
Torrent files can contain multiple file information.
These structures can be described using file storage objects.
like this.
std::string source_absolute_path = to_absolute_path(target_file_path);
lt::file_storage fs;
lt::create_flags_t flags = {};
lt::add_files(fs, source_absolute_path, flags);
Setup Torrentfile Info
Torrent file contain tracker address and piece length and target file info.
like this.
lt::create_torrent torrent(fs, 16*1024);
lt::set_piece_hashes(torrent, extract_parent_path(source_absolute_path));
lt::set_piece_hashes(torrent, extract_parent_path(source_absolute_path));
Generate binary data
Torrent files are written in bencode format.
like this.
lt::entry entry_info = torrent.generate();
std::vector<char> torrentfile_source;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(torrentfile_source), entry_info); // metainfo -> binary
std::cout.write(,torrentfile_source.size()); // binary -> stdout
Good!! You can now create a torrent file.
Source Code
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