Hi, I'm exploring how to use libtorrent now .
And This is memo about that.
What is Bencode
bencode is a data format. bencode support 4 data type.
- number
- string and binary
- list
- dict
Bencode spec is defined at http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html
Number 123 is described as follows
String hello is described as follows
List has hello and 12 which is described as follows
A dict is stored a element which conbination of "num" key and 12 value.
How to write a code for becode
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/libtorrent-rasterbar.so g++ main_bencode.cpp -ltorrent-rasterbar -lpthread
// [Memo]
// using dictionary_type = std::map<std::string, entry, aux::strview_less>;
// using string_type = std::string;
// using list_type = std::vector<entry>;
// using integer_type = std::int64_t;
// using preformatted_type = std::vector<char>;
int main() {
// encode
// string
std::string s;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(s), lt::entry("hello"));
std::cout << s << std::endl; // 5:hello
// number
std::string s;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(s), lt::entry(12));
std::cout << s << std::endl; // i12e
// list
std::string s;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(s), lt::entry(std::vector<lt::entry>{
std::cout << s << std::endl; // l5:helloi12ee
// dict
std::string s;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(s), lt::entry(
lt::entry::dictionary_type {
{"num", lt::entry(12)},
{"str", lt::entry("hello")}
std::cout << s << std::endl; // d3:numi12e3:str5:helloe
// binary
std::string s;
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(s), lt::entry(std::vector<char>{(char)0xFF,(char)0x01,(char)0x03}));
std::cout << s << std::endl; // i-12e
// other
std::vector<char> output;
lt::entry source_data;
source_data["bstring"] = lt::entry::string_type("hello");
source_data["bint"] = lt::entry::integer_type(12);
source_data["elist"] = std::vector<lt::entry>{
lt::entry(lt::entry::string_type("01")), lt::entry(lt::entry::integer_type(1))
source_data["tperformatted_type"] = lt::entry::preformatted_type{(char)0xFF,(char)0x01,(char)0x03};
lt::bencode(std::back_inserter(output), source_data);
std::cout << std::string(output.data(), output.size()) << std::endl;
return 0;
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/libtorrent-rasterbar.so g++ main_bdecode.cpp -ltorrent-rasterbar -lpthread
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// deprecated? by TORRENT_DEPRECATED
lt::entry result = lt::bdecode(std::string("i12e"));
std::cout << result.integer() << std::endl; // 12
// string
std::cout << "# string" << std::endl;
lt::error_code ec;
lt::bdecode_node e = lt::bdecode("5:hello", ec);
std::cout << e.string_value() << std::endl;
// number
std::cout << "# number" << std::endl;
lt::error_code ec;
lt::bdecode_node e = lt::bdecode("i12e", ec);
std::cout << e.int_value() << std::endl;
// list
std::cout << "# list" << std::endl;
lt::error_code ec;
lt::bdecode_node e = lt::bdecode("l5:helloi12ee", ec);
std::cout << e.list_at(0).string_value() << std::endl;
std::cout << e.list_at(1).int_value() << std::endl;
// dict
std::cout << "# dict" << std::endl;
lt::error_code ec;
lt::bdecode_node e = lt::bdecode("d3:numi12e3:str5:helloe", ec);
std::cout << e.dict_find("num").int_value() << std::endl;
std::cout << e.dict_find("str").string_value() << std::endl;
return 0;
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