When we design a website one of the most important element to consider is color scheme, we cannot remember all the colors or shades available, it will be helpful if we have a good resource about colors. I have listed some resources which will help you to get a good color scheme for your next project.
- ColorPalettes
- ColorHunt
- 0 To 255
- Hailpixel
- Clrs.cc
- HTMLColorCodes
- Coolors
- ColorMind
- Muzil
- Canva
- Mycolor.space
- AdobeColorWheel
- Huesnap
- MaterialPalette
- ColorExplorer
- Paletton
- ColorsOnTheWeb
If you are interested you can check for some more resources here.
Top comments (6)
Good list I learned about a few I did not know.
Thank you, if you know any other resource you can share, I can append the list
Paletton is an old favorite of mine but the link now opens up an empty layout
I checked just now, its working...
Hm might be my browser I'm on brave atm
maybe ...