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Legacy-proof UI Development Series' Articles

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Why does code become legacy?

Why does code become legacy?

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4 min read
Why is UI development legacy prone?

Why is UI development legacy prone?

4 min read
How to make UI testable and easy to change?

How to make UI testable and easy to change?

13 min read
React as a decoupled stateless view in Storybook

React as a decoupled stateless view in Storybook

Comments 3
7 min read
MVU architecture in a React application

MVU architecture in a React application

5 min read
From Figma to React, Vue, Svelte, Preact, and beyond

From Figma to React, Vue, Svelte, Preact, and beyond

6 min read
Decoupler and future implications for legacy-proof UI code

Decoupler and future implications for legacy-proof UI code

7 min read
Building a legacy-proof app
Cover image for Building a legacy-proof app

Building a legacy-proof app

7 min read