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How to Retrieve Data from Contentful CMS in a React App

Contentful is content infrastructure. it lets you you create, manage and distribute content to any platform. In this article, I'll walk through the steps involved in fetching data from Contentful using the Contentful Delivery API in a React app.

The first step is to set up a Contentful account and create your content model and its fields. Afterward, you can proceed to create your content

secondly, Install the contentful npm package in your React app. This package provides a JavaScript client for the Contentful Delivery API.

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The next step is to import createClient from the Contentful package that we just installed, and then create a new instance of the Contentful client in your React application.

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Next thing is to obtain your space ID and access token by logging into the Contentful web app and navigating to the "Settings" tab for your space. You will find your space ID and access token under the "API keys" section. then copy and paste them in the above snippet or your contentful instance.

The final step is to use the client to retrieve the data you need. You can utilize the client to fetch data from any Contentful content type, including entries, assets, and content types themselves.

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In the code above, we're creating a new instance of the contentful client and using it to fetch entries from our Contentful space. Once we receive the response, we're updating the component's state with the retrieved data.

We're then rendering a simple list of the retrieved items' titles.

And that's it! With just a few lines of code, we're able to fetch data from Contentful using the Contentful Delivery API in a React app.

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