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Cover image for Analyzing Kenya Power Planned Interruption Data
Kim Kiragu
Kim Kiragu

Posted on • Updated on

Analyzing Kenya Power Planned Interruption Data


Kenya Power(KPLC) is the main power distributor and retails electricity to customers throughout Kenya.
KPLC posts daily planned outages on their official care account KenyaPowerCare.

KPLC scheduled power interruption

The planned interruption schedules are posted in image format and include :

  • The Region
  • The Area
  • Date & Time
  • Locations within the area

Purpose of the Project

The main inspirations for this project is:

  1. To be able to visualize and understand which parts of the country get more power interruptions than others.
  2. To be able to understand trends and patterns which KPLC use for their interruption schedules.
  3. To possibly automate the process of notifying citizens (via SMS/Email) about planned outages in there areas as soon as they are posted on the KenyaPowerCare Twitter.

Project Outline

The project is going to be a series and will go from scraping the planned interruption images from Twitter to analyzing and visualizing this data.

project flow diagram

The steps I am going to take to achieve all this include;

  1. Scraping the images from KenyaPowerCare using this Twitter Image Downloader I built Twitter Image Downloader
  2. Extract Text from the images and converting them to txt file using Tesseract.js
  3. Cleaning, manipulating and analysing the extracted data using Pandas.
  4. Visualizing the data on a map.
  5. Automating the process.

In the next article I am going to take you through the process of building my Twitter Image Downloader.

Top comments (7)

microtot profile image

This is a good project

kimkiragu profile image
Kim Kiragu

Thank you so much for this. I am very excited about it.

microtot profile image
MicroTot • Edited

I have been able to scrap some data from their website, and successfully turned it into JSON data that can be consumed by Angular.
The power outage locations are visualized using Angular Ignite UI.

My API endpoints

Attached is my visualization

Thread Thread
kimkiragu profile image
Kim Kiragu

I am impressed, all the best Kibet. This looks very good.

microtot profile image

I've stolen your idea and building it for my portfolio๐Ÿ˜….
I'm implementing this using Django and Angular Ignite UI

mariazentsova profile image

Very cool and useful project!

kimkiragu profile image
Kim Kiragu

Thank you Maria. This comment just boosted my morale!!