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Sahil Kaushik
Sahil Kaushik

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#40daysofHybridCloud (Day-6)


Last time we get into details of how Cloudfront is useful , today we will discuss more about it and few more amazing concepts.

As we all know that CloudFront is a CDNaaS for AWS which help the clients to get the data at high speed beacuse it is stored at Edge location which is near to the requested client area , the data is present in cache format therefore have less latency rate.

Cloudfront comes with it's own limitation like what if the data which is present in form of cache get updated then it have to go back and update the cache every time which is not an efficient way.

The solution to this is one method , which cleans the cache
present at the Edge Location called Invalidation.

Remember that cloudfront only store the data which is static in nature like Images , Videos and pdf but what about the data like code file etc therefore it does not support the dynamic files like LIVE Streaming which require RMTP .

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Here comes the Solution to the problem called "Global Accelerator"

A service that uses a AWS Global Network to improve the availability and performance of your Application to your Local and Global users.

Global Accelerator is also used as Load Balancer when large amount of traffic comes to the site.
It continuously monitor health of our Applications endpoints and if some how one endpoints is down then it redirect the traffic to other endpoint where the App health is good.
GA also generate a common/global URL of App for all users , therefore no need to give the origin URL to clients .

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Amazon Machine Images are copy of the instances which can be used further according to the requirement.

AMI types are categorized according to region, operating system, system architecture (32- or 64-bit), launch permissions and whether they are backed by Amazon EBS or backed by the instance store.

Users can select an AMI provided by AWS, the user community, or through the AWS Marketplace. Users can also create their own AMIs and share them.

They are more protected then regular instances as no user and password is required therefore can not be penetrated by Crackers.

Happy Learning :)

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