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Sahil Kaushik
Sahil Kaushik

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#40daysofHybridCloud (Day-4)


Today I have learned about the json format which is used during the data retrieval while using CLI to interact with the instance and other services of AWS .

Json is one of the great method to send or receive data on web or between any programs same like YAML and XML , which works on key-value pair and it is extensively used in day to day tech.

while using AWS services through CLI , I have one software used to parse or extract json that is jq-win64.exe .

Other online tool to check whether you have a written correct syntax (Json)or not is json editor online

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Lets talk more about S3 !

S3 (Simple Storage Service) is one of the storage service used in AWS which can be accessed globally (which means it is not like EC2 which is regional in nature).

but the difference between the S3 and EBS is that S3 is not same as Block storage as EBS is rather it is "Object storage as a Service"(OSTAAS) which means that OS/instance can not be installed on S3.

Reasons for not installing OS on S3 are :-
for any OS be be installed two things are required :-

  1. storage can be partitioned (S3 can not)
  2. storage must be formatted (S3 can not)

Never the less S3 is one of the most powerful service of AWS and also widely used.

S3 is very useful some of them mentioned below :

  • Most globally used storage structure of AWS.
  • Data is more secured on S3
  • Data for different services like cloudtrail and external storage can be store on S3 .
  • Data for Edge location is also stored on S3.

Data stored on S3 is in form of buckets.

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lets discuss one more term that is Edge Location.

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An edge location is the nearest point to the consumer(user) who is consuming the AWS service. In these locations, the server is not present but a small setup is there.

They are located in major cities around the world. Unlike Availability Zones which are Physical Locations where AWS servers Lies, An Edge location is basically a small setup in different locations.AWS Edge location is the place where the data is cached to reduce the latency to the end users.

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That's all for today , any suggestions to make blog more intractive are most welcomed !!

happy learning :)

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