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Kartik Bhat
Kartik Bhat

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Laravel for Beginners : a Quick Guide - 5

Yeah, I hope you understood my previous post on creating & configuring a database in to our Laravel Application and accessing through Controller via Model; Ok

(I believe you have some knowledge on MySQL - at least what it is; else do learn it before proceeding further)

Now, let's see about accessing database table to

  • insert a data
  • read a data

in my previous article you might noticed this instruction,

$dataValues = Data::get();
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this will fetch all data present in the table 'data' from our database.

Let's create two routes now, (you know where to do it I suppose)

  1. One for inserting data
  2. One for reading it

Usually, in any kind of application request raises from User Interface(a front-end) part and that request processed in the another part (a back-end)

here in our laravel application, request raises from .blade.php files(usually) then those processed in the Controller ; a basic pinch.

Eg: to insert a data, it usually comes from user interface to save it (a form submit :)), and also to read data , request should come from user interface itself (a page load, a button click :) ) Got ?!!

to make the concept easy here I am creating some dummy data in our controller itself and then I read it.
(don't worry, again I will revisit a concept of getting data from user interface , saving it to the database and sending response back to user interface ;)

Now, Lets create two routes,

Route::get('saveData', [DataController::class,'saveData']);

Route::get('readData', [DataController::class,'readData']);

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I think you can define these, you are fit enough I suppose ;)

  • 'saveData' route calls saveData() function written under DataController Class
  • 'readData' route calls readData() function written under DataController Class

Correct ?

So, Lets write those function under DataController,

public function saveData() {
      $insertData = [
          'name' => 'Kartik',
          'age' => 27

      $insertedData = Data::create($insertData);
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here I am creating an array $insertData, adding two indexes/keys 'name' and 'age', then adding values for those those indexes/keys, You observed it right :)

then I am calling Data model's object to insert data into the database, for that I am using create() method, its a laravel feature.

Notice that I am taking indexes/keys of $insertData array same as 'data' tables attributes and those should be present inside a $fillables array declared within 'Data' Model Class as well, (Open 'Data' model class and verify it once)

Doubt ? Where I am taking 'id' , 'created_at' , 'updated_at' !!!
Do I really need to add it ?
I say no, because while creating migration of the 'data' table, I have mentioned 'id' as an auto incrementing attribute so it will get a new value automatically when new data arises at the table then it gets incremented, then for 'created_at' and 'updated_at' attributes, laravel migration made them timestamp values and they receive current timestamp as there default values.

It's clear right ?

Ok, Now to insert data; open you browser hit an url with a route saveData (I hope you are already running WAMP/XAMPP server and done with php artisan serve command)

Hurray, data got inserted to the database;
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Try to hit same url again, it again inserts another data with same 'name' and 'age' but different 'id'... observe that 'id' got incremented.

you are seeing a blank white window !!!?

Ok, let's show some status of insert operation then,

in our saveData() method, after 'create' statement add ;

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** What is this dd() !!! **

simply; dump and die :)

this method stops execution there itself and displays parameter passed to it on our browser window... simple right ?

Lets try it,
Hit same url again;
I am assigning status of create() method to a variable called $insetedData and passing it as a parameter to the dd() method, so it show contents of $insetedData on our browser window.

You can see this on your browser screen,
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open "attributes" among those data, you can observe data inserted by you along with other attributes.

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Bit Easy !!! correct or not ?

Similarly, read data too an easy concept, let's see about it;

there are some data present in the table 'data', that you have added using 'route' call, now we can list out them all;

to do that; you already came across this statement !!!

Yes, that is nothing but,

$fetchedData = Data::get();
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to view this fetched data, just do again that dd(); :)

pass $fetched data array to dd();

Now, hit 'readData' route from your browser,

you can see this result on your browser window,
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you are seeing 3 records present in our 'data' table, correct ?
this is too a simple one right ?

Ok, Hope you understood saving and reading data from database and getting its status on our browser..

Let's enter into the User Interface part in my next article,

Bye :)

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