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Kalimuthu K
Kalimuthu K

Posted on

Received unknown parameters: billing_details, payment_method_details. Did you mean payment_user_agent?

Please guid me for solve this problem. I'm try integrate api charge only, The given below error(InvalidRequestException) occurred when try to create charge.
at ApiErrorException::factory('Received unknown parameters: billing_details, payment_method_details. Did you mean payment_user_agent?', 400, '{ "error": { "code": "parameter_unknown", "doc_url": "", "message": "Received unknown parameters: billing_details, payment_method_details. Did you mean payment_user_agent?", "param": "billing_details", "type": "invalid_request_error" }}', array('error' => array('code' => 'parameter_unknown', 'doc_url' => '', 'message' => 'Received unknown parameters: billing_details, payment_method_details. Did you mean payment_user_agent?', 'param' => 'billing_details', 'type' => 'invalid_request_error')), object(CaseInsensitiveArray), 'parameter_unknown')
in InvalidRequestException.php line 35

My payload for charge is(in PHP):
$chargeCreate = $stripe->charges->create([
'amount' => 2500,
'currency' => 'cad',
'source' => 'tok_mastercard',
//'metadata' => $metaData,
// "amount_captured" => 0,
// "amount_refunded" => 0,
// "application" => null,
// "application_fee" => null,
// "application_fee_amount" => null,
//"balance_transaction" => "txn_1KENtxACxperSoQATLhXurQ9",
'billing_details' => [
'address' => [
'city' => 'Chennai',
'country' => 'India',
'line1' => 'Karapakkam',
'line2' => 'test',
'postal_code' => '600091',
'state' => 'Tamil Nadu'
'email' => "",
'name' => "Jenny Rosen",
'phone' => "9999992299"
//"calculated_statement_descriptor" => null,
'capture' => false,
//"created" => 1640350309,
//"customer" => null,
"description" => $notes,
// "disputed" => false,
// "failure_code" => null,
// "failure_message" => null,
// "fraud_details" => [],
//"invoice" => null,
//"livemode" => false,
//"metadata" => [],
//"on_behalf_of" => null,
//"order" => null,
//"outcome" => null,
//"paid" => true,
//"payment_intent" => null,
//"payment_method" => "card_1KADFRACxperSoQAdHPSl8tE",
"payment_method_details" => [
"card" => [
"brand" => "mastercard",
"checks" => [
"address_line1_check" => null,
"address_postal_code_check" => null,
"cvc_check" => "pass"
"country" => "US",
"exp_month" => 7,
"exp_year" => 2022,
//"fingerprint" => "D1ORUVKk02xzXhsZ",
"funding" => "credit",
"installments" => null,
"last4" => "4444",
"network" => "mastercard",
"three_d_secure" => null,
"wallet" => null
"type" => "card"
"receipt_email" => "",
//"receipt_number" => "+91 9952826952",
//"receipt_url" => "",
//"refunded" => false,
// "refunds" => {
// "object" => "list",
// "data": [],
// "has_more" => false,
// "url" => "/v1/charges/ch_3KADFRACxperSoQA05fPIcJ6/refunds"
// },
//"review" => null,
//"shipping" => null,
//"source_transfer" => null,
//"statement_descriptor" => null,
//"statement_descriptor_suffix" => null,
//"status" => "succeeded",
//"transfer_data" => null,
//"transfer_group" => null

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