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Cover image for Share your slack messages in the form of QR Code.
Jasmin Virdi
Jasmin Virdi

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Share your slack messages in the form of QR Code.

Happy New Year Everyone!😇

Last year I decided to build a side project which could help people using slack to share passwords and other important information easy and securely. I have worked on a few side projects last year and this was my last side project of the year 2020!

DEV hackathons always gives developers an amazing opportunity to showcase their work and innovate around new tech. I am always excited and look forward to participate in DEV hackathons as it give me immense motivation to innovate and try out cool new tech.


So my idea behind the app was very simple, while using slack we sometimes tend to share messages which might contain some sensitive information. This could be anything and sharing such information is always a bit risky specially when your using organisational resources.


In order to be more secure I had an idea in which users can share such messages which will be visible to other user in the form of QR code. This QR code will contain the text message which the other user has sent and will expire after 30 secs.

Category Submission:

Built for Business

Permissive License


More about the App.

I have created a slack app which will allow users to enter the message in the dialog box and then select the username or channel/ group name where he wants to send the message.


The app is very easy to use

  • Type /secure-share in your message editor.

Alt Text

  • After that a dialog box will open which will ask you to enter the message.

Alt Text

  • After entering the message select the channel/username to send the message.

Alt Text

  • Once we select the sender's name the QR code will be generated and posted to recipient chat.

Alt Text

  • After 30 secs the message will be deleted from the recipient chat leaving a message.

Alt Text

This app is currently deployed over digital ocean servers from where I tested the app locally. A bit amount of work is still pending until the final release and pushing it to Slack app directory.😅

I am really enjoying working on this project as it helped me to learn a whole bunch of new things. I also enjoyed exploring the Digital Ocean platform specially the integrations and deployments part was pretty smooth.😇

In the next post I will be sharing my journey and the paths I will be following to release my app to production.😀

Top comments (14)

raddevus profile image

This looks really good. I have a QRCode generator in my #DOhackathon app entry also. If you get a moment check out my entry and let me know what you think. I wrote the API backend that generates the QRCode so let me know if I can help in some way.
Good luck in the challenge.

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thank you so much! :)
I really loved your idea. Also, the app is very clean and easy to use. Good job on that!
I am already done with that bit but would be happy to connect with you in case of further queries :)

gershomlapaix profile image
Nsengiyumva Gershom La paix

wonderful project!!!

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thank you!😇

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Great work!

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thanks, Vaibhav! :)

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

Good work 😊👏👏👏👏

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thank you! :)

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I really like your idea Jasmin. Good luck with the finishing touches!

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thank you so much, means a lot! :)

blessinghirwa profile image
Blessing Hirwa

This is a good idea actually.

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Thank you so much! :)

pradipta profile image
Pradipta Sarma

Nice one Jasmin. If I somehow manage to store the QR, will the QR still not have the message in it?

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi • Edited

Thanks! :)

Yes you can save the QR code with you but the link to download file will auto expire after 30 secs.