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AlchemyCMS - Getting Started

A CMS Documentation Clarification

I've started a couple of side projects for community organizations that are pushing me into new areas of development. Along with open-source contributions, these are giving me a sense of what IRL development feels like beyond my own personal projects.

In one case I initially thought I needed an open source CMS which led me to running through a side-by-side installation of several options like a pig race. Documentation for most was spotty but AlchemyCMS and GhostCMS were best documented and -although very different- tied for the win.

Even though I'm now looking into CRM options for both projects instead, I'm going to provide some guidance through my process that resolved minor issues I ran into getting started with AlchemyCMS. While the steps below are found in the documentation, the process avoids some very minor hiccups for intermediate developers and potential roadblocks for beginners.

Let's get started!

My current environment versions are ruby 2.6.1p33 and Rails and the repo is currently just the corrected boilerplate.

Naturally I started with running rails new AlchemyDEV.

I only needed two additional gems to get running with bundle add alchemy_cms alchemy-devise && bundle update.

In config/routes.rb I added mount Alchemy::Engine => '/'.

Per the docs, I installed Alchemy into the project with bin/rake alchemy:install then Devise with bin/rails g alchemy:devise:install.

A run of rails s and a visit to localhost:3000 should lead you to creating the first admin user for your project.

That's all folks!

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