DEV Community

Felippe Regazio profile picture

Felippe Regazio

software engineer, frontend specialist, curious generalist, platform dx, open sourcerer, father. a strange carbon-based lifeform


Software Engineer

Six Year Club
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Five Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Four Year Club
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One Year Club
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A NodeJS Package that verifies if a string contains a potential SSRF attack: ssrfcheck

A NodeJS Package that verifies if a string contains a potential SSRF attack: ssrfcheck

Comments 1
2 min read

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I Created a pure Unicode Code Highlighter :P

I Created a pure Unicode Code Highlighter :P

Comments 1
1 min read
10 Dicas de Segurança para Projetos Front End

10 Dicas de Segurança para Projetos Front End

Comments 4
3 min read
Então você quer ser Dev?

Então você quer ser Dev?

Comments 13
12 min read
I just launched a Free and Open Source Platform: CV Keep, a SAAS to keep an Online Resumé

I just launched a Free and Open Source Platform: CV Keep, a SAAS to keep an Online Resumé

Comments 4
3 min read
12 Dicas NÃO TECNICAS para você que está buscando seu Primeiro Emprego na área de Desenvolvimento de Software

12 Dicas NÃO TECNICAS para você que está buscando seu Primeiro Emprego na área de Desenvolvimento de Software

Comments 5
4 min read
O mínimo que vc precisa saber de JavaScript pra que seja confortável codar e aprender qualquer Framework Front End

O mínimo que vc precisa saber de JavaScript pra que seja confortável codar e aprender qualquer Framework Front End

Comments 5
3 min read
Requests: A Diferença entre Ready State e Status Code

Requests: A Diferença entre Ready State e Status Code

Comments 1
2 min read
How to ask for help about code, and how to deal with the answers. A practical guide

How to ask for help about code, and how to deal with the answers. A practical guide

Comments 2
5 min read
Como fazer perguntas sobre códigos e lidar com as respostas, um guia prático

Como fazer perguntas sobre códigos e lidar com as respostas, um guia prático

Comments 8
4 min read
Logflake, a NodeJS Console Logger with superpowers

Logflake, a NodeJS Console Logger with superpowers

Comments 2
4 min read
JavaScript and the object keys automatic deduplication

JavaScript and the object keys automatic deduplication

3 min read
Por que deixei uma Multinacional para retornar para uma Start Up

Por que deixei uma Multinacional para retornar para uma Start Up

Comments 4
7 min read
Why i created my own Express i18n Middleware to internationalize REST APIs

Why i created my own Express i18n Middleware to internationalize REST APIs

2 min read
Automatic deploy your React App to GitHub Pages using a shell script

Automatic deploy your React App to GitHub Pages using a shell script

Comments 4
2 min read
Handling Command-line Arguments in NPM Scripts

Handling Command-line Arguments in NPM Scripts

Comments 11
2 min read
3 Chrome's Built-in URLs that you would like to know

3 Chrome's Built-in URLs that you would like to know

Comments 4
1 min read
I created my own Pure CSS Micro-Framework, a tale 🙃

I created my own Pure CSS Micro-Framework, a tale 🙃

Comments 28
6 min read
CSS Custom Properties (vars) with SASS/SCSS, a practical architecture strategy

CSS Custom Properties (vars) with SASS/SCSS, a practical architecture strategy

Comments 16
9 min read
I made a "Simon Game" variation using VueJS 🎮

I made a "Simon Game" variation using VueJS 🎮

Comments 3
1 min read
An useful alias to toggle your microphone from terminal (Linux)

An useful alias to toggle your microphone from terminal (Linux)

1 min read
Styling native Checkboxes and Radio inputs (CSS Only)

Styling native Checkboxes and Radio inputs (CSS Only)

Comments 7
2 min read
My CSS Brand Colors Collection

My CSS Brand Colors Collection

Comments 1
1 min read
Event Source Interface, an unidirectional alternative to Sockets in JavaScript

Event Source Interface, an unidirectional alternative to Sockets in JavaScript

Comments 4
5 min read
Creating a Sidebar with HTML, CSS and JS

Creating a Sidebar with HTML, CSS and JS

Comments 9
4 min read
My Vanilla JavaScript Built-In Web Elements Collection

My Vanilla JavaScript Built-In Web Elements Collection

Comments 15
2 min read
A quick and cool CSS real-time editor with HTML & CSS only

A quick and cool CSS real-time editor with HTML & CSS only

Comments 7
1 min read
418 HTTP Status Code: Im a teapot!

418 HTTP Status Code: Im a teapot!

Comments 11
2 min read
How do companies make money with data?

How do companies make money with data?

Comments 2
1 min read
A tiny "Deployer" made with Shell Script and Rsync

A tiny "Deployer" made with Shell Script and Rsync

Comments 7
3 min read
CSS :focus-within pseudo-class

CSS :focus-within pseudo-class

1 min read
A Responsive Modal With Flexbox and No Media Queries

A Responsive Modal With Flexbox and No Media Queries

Comments 4
5 min read
A light challenge: Can you describe what this PHP code does?

A light challenge: Can you describe what this PHP code does?

Comments 5
1 min read
I want to learn AI with Python, but i dont know how to start

I want to learn AI with Python, but i dont know how to start

Comments 23
2 min read
4 handy ways to create an element with properties in Javascript

4 handy ways to create an element with properties in Javascript

Comments 2
1 min read
Building a pure CSS menu with nested dropdowns

Building a pure CSS menu with nested dropdowns

Comments 5
8 min read
A complete "Live Reload" feature for PHP projects in a single class

A complete "Live Reload" feature for PHP projects in a single class

Comments 11
2 min read
How to create a simple Honeypot to protect your Forms against Spammers

How to create a simple Honeypot to protect your Forms against Spammers

Comments 30
3 min read
What was your first computer?

What was your first computer?

Comments 71
1 min read