DEV Community

Syed Faraaz Ahmad
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

Posted on

How do you test your REST API?

I have a basic REST API in a server file. If I want to run tests on the routes, how do I do so?

I can think of 2 ways to do so:

  1. In the test command, first start the server using a child process and then send requests to localhost in the unit tests.

  2. Write unit tests for all the functions I've written in my code and run them without running the server (Does this mean I can't do integration testing?)

I'm really not sure what to do, I need help.

Top comments (10)

likelocusts profile image

Did you have a look at Postman? It's a really helpful tool for testing your API. It enables you to do integration testing

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

And don’t forget Postwoman

jhechtf profile image
Jim Burbridge


Well, I use Fastify most times for APIs and it has a nice method called inject, which is mostly just used for testing. The setup ends up looking something like

// server.js
const Fastify = require('fastify');
const app = Fastify();

app.get('/some-route', async () => "data");

app.listen(3000, err =>  {
  if(err) { console.error(err); process.exit(); }

module.exports = app;

// main.test.js
const test = require('ava');
const app = require('../server.js');

test('API Testing', async t => {
   await app.inject({ url: '/some-route' })
     .then(res => {, 200); })
     .catch(err =>;

(note: roughed most of this from memory so it might not be 100% runnable).


Most people use something like Postman. I've switched over to the Insomnia REST client.

crewsycrews profile image
🎲Danil Rodin🎲

The good alternative to Postman is a TestMace. I liked the way they looking at the testing environment as a filesystem project, so you can easily version control it and share across your team.

devdrake0 profile image

What language are you using?

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad

I'm using Rust (for learning purposes)

devdrake0 profile image

ah ok - have a look for a rust-alternative to supertest (Javascript) or net/http/test (Go).

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Yes it does.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Yes, take a look at the history and collections tabs.
Make a request, and click on the 'Save to collections' button (it looks like a disk).

ajeebkp23 profile image

Check my blog article about Requester (A sublime add-on).