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Cover image for Day 541 : All Night Long

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Day 541 : All Night Long

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a pretty good and productive but long day. Ran into an issue with my demo application yesterday and met with a coworker to go over it. Within in like 6 minutes, I realized that I had a typo and got it working. My keyboard's delete key doesn't always work. Had a couple of meetings, but spent the rest of the day working on my application. Was making a lot of project and totally lost track of time. haha Added another functionality, but ran into some bugs that I'll work on tomorrow. I've got one more thing to work out, fix the bugs and I should be good.

  • Personal : Made some good progress on my side project. It was mostly stuff on the admin site. I got the chat and questions from the client side to show up through the database to the admin dashboard. It went pretty smoothly. I also got the request to speak to work and from the backend I can toggle whether of not a person is selected.

A paved pathway through a bamboo forest in Arashiyama, Japan

It's pretty late so I'm going to see if I can get some quick coding done on my side project before calling it a night. Going to see if I can get the request to speak toggle to change on the client side and load the audio chat interface. Not trying to stay up all night long. I'm tired.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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