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Cover image for Day 952 : Numb

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Day 952 : Numb

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got up super early to attend a team meeting that was scheduled for the folks in the Asia time zones. I still attend these when I can because I don't want to have to watch the recordings later. haha. Went back to sleep after the meeting. Got up for another meeting. Then I started knocking out some "quick" tasks for my upcoming trip. Some of them were to finish booking a flight and hotel, submit for a lightning talk and other forms. Then there was another meeting. then it was lunch time and I went to the dentist to get some fillings. Left there all numb, picked up some food and returned to my spot and got back to work for the rest of the day. I coded a new Class in the library I'm building to remove some issues I tried to include a third party library. Got that done, but now I'm running into another issue about something on being a function. The numb feeling is starting to turn into a sore feeling so I'm calling it a day.

  • Personal : Don't really remember what I did last night. I did go through tracks on Bandcamp for the radio show. Don't think I bought anything though. I kind of remember researching some stuff for my side project. I remember watching some episodes of "X-Men: The Animated Series" or that could have been the night before. I have a to-do list, but there's so much finished stuff from before that I don't know when I did what. haha

South Stack Lighthouse in Lladdwyn Island, Wales at sunset. A small white lighthouse sits on a rocky headland overlooking the Irish Sea. There is a rugged coastline with large rocks and a stone staircase leading up to the lighthouse. The sky is a gradient of orange and yellow, and the sun is setting over the horizon.

Definitely need to pick up tracks off of Bandcamp and put together my social media posts for tomorrow. I need to look into hotels for my trip to Japan and purchase my ticket back home. I think I'll need to pick up some SD cards and maybe another USB-C hub. I also thought of how I want to layout my new side project. I still need to fork the starter project I made previously and get it up and running. Need to make sure I right these done so I can remember tomorrow. haha. Going to eat dinner.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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