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Cover image for Day 49 : Desires

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Day 49 : Desires

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty much did some research into how I want to structure the web components I want to build in the new year. Things like what the naming convention should be and how to break apart some apps into components. In the last meeting with my manager, he mentioned about putting together a list of various CLI tools that I like so we can have a basis and examples for what we would like to include into ours in the next year. Basically just taking notes, creating documents and putting together a presentation. I want to have Mondays be like my planning day for what I want to do during the week.

  • Personal : Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my new van so I've been getting things ready for that. Like making sure my auto insurance will be transferred over. That I'll be able to use my debit card for the payment. So much stuff just to get a new vehicle. Right now, I'm outside where the Orlando Devs Holiday Party is happening trying to get some work done. The only thing I brought was my Pixel Slate. So I'm writing this blog from it. Kind of cool. I think I'm going to sign up to with a paid account and see how far I can push this whole coding from a tablet thing. haha So, van and coding from a tablet... some of my desires are coming to life!

mountain view over the clouds in Mount Tamalpais, CA, USA

Hoping that everything goes smoothly at the car dealership tomorrow. I've read that it can take like 3 hours to complete everything! Getting back to work before this meetup.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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