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Dumebi Okolo
Dumebi Okolo

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You Can Use AI In Technical Writing! Here's how:

Like it or not, AI has come to stay. In spite of the growing skepticism about it, I believe AI is something we should all embrace.
In my last article, I brought up the question,

will advancements in AI and Living Documentation make technical writers or documentation specialists become obsolete?

I am adding the #discuss tag on this because I want to get as many opinions on this topic as I can.

I will be sharing more perspective on that in this article.
As someone who uses AI a lot in my writing, I feel I have the authority to write this article. 🤣

Table of Contents

 1. Will AI replace Technical Writers?
 2. How does AI Help In Technical Writing?

       2.1. AI Increases Efficiency in Technical Writing

       2.2. AI promotes Consistency and Standardization

       2.3. AI Fosters Language Enhancement

       2.4. AI automates Content Generation for Repetitive Tasks
 3. The Disadvantages of Using AI In Technical Writing

       3.5. Accuracy and Technical Precision

       3.6. Lack of Domain Knowledge

       3.7. Lack Of Creativity and Unique Insights

       3.8. Ethical and Legal Considerations For AI Generated Content
 4. The Best Way To Use AI in Technical Writing
 5. Conclusion

Will AI replace Technical Writers?

The short answer is no. The long answer is going through this entire article and seeing for yourself that, although AI has greatly improved, there are still so many areas where it falls shorts. Because of this, you can be safe to continue your learning and improving your technical writing career.
An advice, however, is to evolve as technology evolves. Don't view AI or its advancements as your enemies. Instead, embrace it and utilize it to make your work easier and more stress-free.

Will AI replace Technical Writers?

How does AI Help In Technical Writing?

AI Increases Efficiency in Technical Writing

AI-powered writing tools can significantly speed up the drafting process. They can generate initial drafts, outlines, or even entire sections based on input parameters, potentially saving technical writers hours of work.

AI promotes Consistency and Standardization

AI tools can help maintain consistency in terminology, style, and formatting across large documents or multiple pieces of content. This is particularly valuable in technical writing, where precision and standardization are crucial.

AI Fosters Language Enhancement

Advanced AI writing assistants can suggest improvements in grammar, readability, and word choice. This can be especially helpful for non-native English speakers or when writing for a global audience.

AI automates Content Generation for Repetitive Tasks

For routine documentation tasks, such as API references or product specifications, AI can quickly generate boilerplate content, freeing up human writers to focus on more complex aspects of the documentation.

The Disadvantages of Using AI In Technical Writing

While some AI models can be accurate, they lack that characteristic human touch human generated content should have.
The content in itself might be accurate and up-to-date, but it'd sound far too mechanical that reading becomes burdensome.

Accuracy and Technical Precision

While AI has improved dramatically, some models may not always capture the nuances and accuracy required in some specialized or novel fields. Because of this, therefore, human expertise is needed for verifying and refining AI-generated content.

Lack of Domain Knowledge

AI models, unless specifically trained on highly specialized datasets, may lack the deep domain knowledge required for many technical writing tasks. This could lead to an oversimplification or errors in certain complex topics.

Lack Of Creativity and Unique Insights

Technical writing requires creative problem-solving. It also involves being able to breakdown technical concepts in ways that make it very understandable for the readers or general public. AI struggles with generating that truly human nuanced level of novelty or approach.

Ethical and Legal Considerations For AI Generated Content

There is also the part where AI steals people's innovative and hard-fought work. Therefore, using AI-generated content raises questions about authorship, intellectual property, and accountability. There is also concerns about data privacy and security when using cloud-based AI writing tools.

The Best Way To Use AI in Technical Writing

If you decide to incorporate AI into your technical writing process, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use AI as a Supplement, Not a Replacement: View AI tools as assistants that can enhance your work, not replace your expertise.

  2. Always Review and Edit AI-Generated Content: Carefully review and edit any AI-generated text to ensure accuracy, clarity, and alignment with your organization's standards.

  3. Leverage AI for Specific Tasks: Identify areas where AI can be most beneficial, such as generating first drafts, checking for consistency, or suggesting language improvements.

  4. Combine AI with Human Expertise: Use AI in conjunction with subject matter experts to ensure technical accuracy and depth.

  5. Stay Informed About AI Capabilities and Limitations: Keep up-to-date with advancements in AI writing technology to make informed decisions about its use.


The decision to use AI in technical writing depends on various factors, including the nature of your projects, your organization's needs, and the specific AI tools available. While AI offers promising benefits in terms of efficiency and consistency, it's important to approach its use thoughtfully, always prioritizing accuracy, clarity, and the value of human expertise in technical communication.

Let's connect on LinkedIn. ❤
As usual, this article was brought together with the help of Claude AI.

Keep writing!

Top comments (4)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

In my case, I write the first draft by myself (without AI), then read it several times to update the structure. Only at the very end do I use a bit of Grammarly to see if any statements can be improved.

Using AI without expertise is like teaching others without even knowing what you're about to teach. Use AI to meet your goals, rather than making the use of AI your goal.</mark

Everyone should use it (it's free and powerful) but only to a very limited extent imo.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

I agree.
To be honest, writers' block is what I deal with a lot.
So, I have learnt to use AI to draft a type of shell for my content. From the shell, I start inputting my own thoughts or expertise in the article.
It is very true that AI helps reduce the "blank page" syndrome.

gloriasilver profile image
Gloria Tejuosho

Using AI to check the consistency or correctness of content sounds good, but it's likely to change the human nature of the content, and if care is not taken, the overall content will sound robotic after accepting all the suggestions even though you wrote the entire content yourself.
Upcoming writers should also avoid using AI because it will inundate their growth in the field.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

This is fair. Totally valid.