Hey, dev!
Let's code the game Rock, Paper, and Scissors in Elixir?
About the game
The game Rock, Paper, Scissors (aka "Ro-Sham-Bo"; janken; "Bato, Bato, Pick"; and "Scissors, Paper, Stone") is a simple hand game with many names and variations.
In the game, usually, we have two opponents. And the players use their hands to choose and represent one of three items: a rock, paper, or scissors.
Who wins?
The player who chooses the most powerful object is the winner of the game.
As the picture below:
- Rock breaks the scissor;
- Scissor cut the paper;
- Paper covers the Rock;
One crucial detail is that the players can also draw the game when they choose the same item.
In the next article we'll initialize the project.
See ya!
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