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Dilpreet Johal
Dilpreet Johal

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Working with Multiple Elements in Selenide

In this Selenide tutorial series post, we will learn how to work with multiple elements using the $$ sign.

$$ (css selector)

When working with individual element in Selenide, we use $ sign which returns us a single element back. To work with multiple elements we need to use $$ sign to get Elements Collection returned. Let’s take a look at an example –

ElementsCollection linkLists = $$("#primary-menu li[id*=menu-item]");
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The above code will return all the elements matching the css selector as a collection of elements. You can then use this to iterate through the elements or get the text and so on..

$$ (By)

By default $$ uses a css selector but you do have an option to provide any other selector as well such as XPath, name etc..

ElementsCollection linkLists = $$(By.xpath("//li[starts-with(@id, \"menu-item\")]"));
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To learn more about working with multiple elements in Selenide, check out the video below –

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