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Dilpreet Johal
Dilpreet Johal

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Common Cypress Interview Questions

Here's a quick overview at some of the common Cypress Interview questions you might face.

What is Cypress?

Cypress is a user-friendly, end-to-end testing framework that uses JavaScript language. It works directly in the browser, making tests faster and more accurate as they mimic real user interactions.

How Would You Differentiate Cypress from Selenium?

While both are popular tools for web application testing, Cypress stands out due to its browser-based architecture and exclusive use of JavaScript, offering a more direct and real-time feedback experience than Selenium.

Key Features of Cypress?

Cypress has some key unique features such as automatic waiting, real-time reloads, and simple debugging capabilities. It also offers visual testing and network traffic control which makes testing easier.

What Are the Steps to Install and Configure Cypress?

To setup Cypress, you just need few npm commands to install and start the Cypress Test Runner. And, then you can begin writing your tests

How Is a Basic Test Case Created in Cypress?

Writing a basic test case is easy and straightforward -

describe('Basic Test Case', () => {
  it('should visit SDET Unicorns website and verify its title', () => {
    cy.title().should('eq', 'Master Software Testing & Automation Online | SDET Unicorns')
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How Does Cypress Manage Asynchronous Operations?

Cypress has a unique approach to handling asynchronous operations. It uses its own commands that automatically manage the sequence of operations, removing the need for explicit waits in your tests.

Can You Mention Some Common Commands Used in Cypress?

Cypress offers a variety of commands that help you interact with the DOM and make assertions. Some commonly used commands include cy.visit(url), cy.get(selector), and, to name a few.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you're keen to diving deeper and explore more detailed interview questions, check out the full blog here - Top Cypress Interview Questions and Answers

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