DEV Community

Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Abdullah

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Roadmap to become a Front-End developer :

Embarking on a journey to become a front-end developer? This post lays out a comprehensive roadmap to guide you through the exciting world of web development. From essential skills and practical tips for success, this roadmap will help you chart a clear path towards becoming an entry-level front-end developer.

1) Learn the fundamentals of web:
. Difference between Client Side and Server Side
. How websites work?
. Basics of HTTP.

2) Learn HTML and CSS
. Working with divs, tables and sections.
. Creating forms with HTML.
. Using Images,Videos and audio files in HTML.
. Basic styling properties in CSS.
. Id,Classes and other selectors in CSS.
. Flexbox and grid.
. Media queries
. BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology.

NOTE : CSS is an extensive field, and when you're just beginning, there's no need to strive for mastery right away. Focus on grasping the fundamentals until you feel confident in creating visually appealing web pages. Mastery of CSS will naturally come with experience. Avoid immediately diving into libraries like Bootstrap, Tailwind, or Material. Instead, start by working on projects using vanilla CSS. Once you've gained proficiency, you can explore the convenience of utilizing these libraries.

3) Learn Javascript (The fun part).
. Basic Syntax (Variables, Objects ,arrays, Functions, Data Types, Loops , Conditionals etc.)
. Learn DOM manipulation (Selecting Elements, Dealing with clicks, keyboard events and using the event parameter )
. Animations with JS and CSS.
. Developer tools in browsers (I recommend Firefox)
. Learn about Local and Session Storage
. Learn AJAX and working with JSON data.
. Learn different console methods(Many people don’t do this But I think it helps a lot in debugging.
Fun Fact : There are 20+ console methods.)
. Difference between Reference and object types and how they work behind the scenes
. Learn Es6 Syntax (Arrow functions, Template literals , Promises , Fetch API , Spread operator, Destructuring)
. OOP in JavaScript.
. REST APIs (You can use a fake rest Api such as JSON server for that)
. It is highly recommended that you also do DS and algorithms in JavaScript. It will really sharpen your problem solving skills.
. Optional things : JavaScript Engines (V8, SpiderMonkey etc.)

4) Finally Learn a JavaScript framework (React,Vue or Angular)

I will write the roadmaps of these three technologies later and I will make sure to post the link in the comments.
Keep Grinding and Happy Hacking.

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