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Cover image for Sloan's Inbox: Should You Trust Developers Who Use Light Mode? 😝

Sloan's Inbox: Should You Trust Developers Who Use Light Mode? 😝

Hey y'all! Sloan, DEV Moderator and mascot. I'm back with another question submitted by a DEV community member. πŸ¦₯

For those unfamiliar with the series, this is another installment of Sloan's Inbox. You all send in your questions, I ask them on your behalf anonymously, and the community leaves comments to offer advice. Whether it's career development, office politics, industry trends, or improving technical skills, we cover all sorts of topics here. If you want to send in a question or talking point to be shared anonymously via Sloan, that'd be great; just scroll down to the bottom of the post for details on how.

Let's see what's up this week...

Today's question is:

Would you trust a developer who uses light mode? Yes, this is purposefully a cheeky question πŸ˜‹, but my real point is are there any surface-level quirks that you might judge a dev on (even if you're aware that it's a bit petty)?

Share your thoughts and let's help a fellow DEV member out! Remember to keep kind and stay classy. πŸ’š

Want to submit a question for discussion or ask for advice?Β Visit Sloan's Inbox! You can choose to remain anonymous.

Top comments (44)

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I don't trust dark theme users - bugs hide in the dark πŸ›

sarahokolo profile image
sahra πŸ’«

But the light attract the bugs in the first place πŸ™‚

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, that was too good!

per-starke-642 profile image
Per Starke

Damnnnnnnn :DD

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Good one πŸ˜‚

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )

THIS WEBSITE USES DARK THEME , omg talk about hypocritical.

oculus42 profile image
Samuel Rouse

As a user who switches back and forth between the modes for accessibility concerns, the number of tools that don't accommodate both appearance is far too high. And some don't do a great job either way – I'm looking at you, Redux DevTools, with your default color scheme that provides worse contrast ratios than a 1997 LCD laptop display.

One of the quirks that does catch me is leaving a large number of breakpoints in your browser. It's something small, but it slows down troubleshooting if you leave them active – both because you might end up clicking through them and because code runs slower when it has breakpoints active – and it clutters the breakpoint list and obscures what is actually being tested even when they are disabled. It's minor, but it's something I notice.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This bugs me - the fact there's no way to clear all breakpoints in Chrome. You can turn breakpoints on and off individually or globally, but you can't hit a button to clear them all and start over.

oculus42 profile image
Samuel Rouse

There isn't a button, but you can right-click one of the breakpoints in the list and choose to Disable all, Remove other, or Remove all breakpoints. I believe this only works for line-of-code breakpoints, not the other types.

Thread Thread
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This isn't the case in my Chrome:

Image description

Thread Thread
oculus42 profile image
Samuel Rouse

Sorry, I should have been more clear. It's in the sidebar, not directly in the Source.

Remove Breakpoints in Chrome DevTools

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )

I just use bootstrap 5.3 , css and js , and use a bg-dark theme for each element.
Then you could make a button out of that selector if you choose too.
-- Don't let a browser slow you down, from developing on the browser. --

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

Spongebob's Patrick staring into a light with the caption

kurealnum profile image

I would say that there's always time for light mode users to come to the light side -- the light side being dark mode, of course.

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )


debtech profile image
Mosope (Deborah)

Hell no, same way I can't trust people who watch dubbed anime. Just weird behaviour.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Lol, comment of the day right here!

sarahokolo profile image
sahra πŸ’«

Always feels like I'm watching an abomination 😭. It turns the anime into basic cartoons which is so annoying. It's sub or nothing πŸ’―

fyodorio profile image

Don’t trust anyone. They’re all posers β€” either dark or light... Nobody should see your mode. This is the way.

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )


miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐


smithwebtek profile image
Brad Smith

I’m 62. I use light mode.
Deal with it.

gbhorwood profile image
grant horwood

follow earned.

henryjw profile image
Henry Williams

You should. It makes perfect sense to use light mode since most of the websites and apps still don't have native dark mode support and light-to-dark-mode browser extensions aren't perfect.
The change between a dark page and a light page is very jarring... from what I hear. I'm not a light mode user (or am I?)

blafasel3 profile image
Maximilian Lenhardt • Edited

Funny enough, we had this discussion jokingly a couple of weeks ago because all devs in our team work with dark mode and I converted everyone to the dark reader browser plugin which does a pretty good job on most websites :)

What bugs me as a behavior:

  • writing a todo/fixme in the code which could easily just be done in a couple of minutes. Just do it right away.
  • not automating stuff which is repeated tons of times - e.g. if I write a todo in my code, I append the according story number. I wrote an ide script to do this story number adding automatically. I actually doubt developers who don't feel the need to automate this small stuff because it keeps your head free for your actual work. And you miss the expertise and the confidencd if you have to automatise something complicated/big. Not learning a new shortcut for your IDE every other day would be another example.
vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )

For a IDE in html , you can jsut add bootstrap CSS and JS at the top , and set a background theme to dark on the html class.
Try it and see how it works for you -

sc0v0ne profile image

Yes, I trust it, I think that a developer's personal resource does not interfere with being a good or bad developer. More by choice. I use dark mode, not for the sake of it, but I work in the morning and in the afternoon, and at night I study. Having the light mode on makes my eyes very uncomfortable.

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer ) • Edited

p.s. -- Dark theme is used for people whos eyes hurt from staring at the screen for double digit hours ,
Why ?
Because they work on code instead of silly games.

--- If someone doesn't trust me because I am making a decision for my own physical well being ,

then that is certainly not a good thing for my own physical well being , isn't it?

In following ,

-- If someone posts an entire page on the options of a bootstrap 5.3 feature ,

-- That's probably a sign of a noob.

  • People , Don't follow noobs. I'll do my own article on it later.

  • Good day.

programordie profile image

No. No. No no no NOOOOO!

vampeyer profile image
Jake T. (Vampeyer )

Your a super lame developer and obviously racist against white people because yo obviously have no idea on how to use a simple color pallet.

Please stop posting wasteful content so people waste their lives reading it , thx.
Please stop with your lame and fake installments , it degrades the quality of the environment on this platform.

_If you want to be cute , go play on tik-tok , this is a place for professionals.

Good day sir.

ludamillion profile image
Luke Inglis

You know who I wouldn't trust? A dev who wears glasses and hasn't at least tried light mode.

I have astigmatism and I can dealt with so much less eye strain since I switched to using light mode during the say, dark mode at night, and setting a high enough font size.

Honestly the 'quirk' I'm most likely to judge someone one is worrying too much about settings, customization, and 'optimizing their setup'.

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