DEV Community

Cover image for Discussion and Comment of the Week - v4
Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team

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Discussion and Comment of the Week - v4

This weekly roundup highlights what we believe to be the most thoughtful and/or interesting discussion of the week. We're also be highlighting one particularly cool comment in each installment. ๐Ÿ™Œ

The DEV Community is particularly special because of the kind and thoughtful discussions happening between community members. As such, we want to encourage folks to participate in discussions and reward those who are initiating or taking part in conversations across the community. After all, a community is made possible by the people interacting inside it.

Discussion of the Week

This week, I'm feeling like we have a tie. So, co-winners @adiatiayu and @joelbonetr, I hope you're both cool with sharing this digital trophy-moji. ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ˜€

Ayu wrote a really thoughtful prompt asking folks for their opinions on whether or not they believe devs should "put themselves out there":

This triggered lots of folks dropping their personal takes on why they write and learn in public. And it was also refreshing to hear the other side... plenty of folks made a solid case for carrying on quietly. One pretty constant suggestion was to let folks decide for themselves when they wanna speak up!

Meanwhile, Joel fired up a convo around folks' favorite reusable functions:

It's always entertaining to see a list of folks' frequently used snippets!

Comment of the Week

There are so many awesome comments out there, but for this week's selection, we're gonna go with the following comment by @bytebodger in response to "How do you work with computers and the web that is different from non-developers?"

  • As has already been mentioned by others, I'm far more likely to open the dev tools and actually inspect the calls that are going out to grab data - or to track what I'm doing.

  • As silly as this sounds, it's amazing how many people will open a web page with a huge amount of text and then spend copious amounts of time reading through the whole dang thing until they find what they're looking for. Years ago, an executive in my company was watching me look for info on a series of pages and he was amazed by my frequent use of CTRL-F to quickly hone in on the data I was looking for.

  • I often find myself needing to retrieve the plain-text value of a password that's been saved for me in Chrome. By default, the password field is always displayed with <input type="password"/>, which means that the "text" is obfuscated from me. So I inspect the <input> element, change it to <input type="text"/>, and I can grab the raw password value that's stored in my browser.

  • I'm also far more likely to use the dev tools to.... "borrow" any of the assets that are used to build the page.

  • For all of my frequently-visited bookmarks, I edit the bookmark so there's no text/title in them. In this way, my bookmarks bar just has a series of icons. This allows me to fit all of my most-used bookmarks in my bookmark bar, like so:

This comment was thorough and just plain ole fun to read. As a non-developer, I found it quite helpful too. ๐Ÿ™Œ As others noted in response, the icon-only bookmark bar trick is so dang clever. Thanks for sharing!

What are your picks?

There's loads of great discussions and comments floating about in this community. These are just a few we chose to highlight. ๐Ÿ™‚

I urge you all to share your favorite comment and/or discussion of the past week below in the comments. And if you're up for it, give the author an @mention โ€” it'll probably make 'em feel good. ๐Ÿ’š

Top comments (1)

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you, @michaeltharrington! ๐Ÿ˜„