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DevOps Pass AI

Making DevOps Simple Stupid Simplifying inventory, onboarding and adoption of DevOps tools

Workshop: make your first AI app in a few clicks with Python+Ollama+llama3

Workshop: make your first AI app in a few clicks with Python+Ollama+llama3

3 min read

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Managing versions of OpenTofu, Terraform and TerraGrunt with tenv and DOP

Managing versions of OpenTofu, Terraform and TerraGrunt with tenv and DOP

2 min read
K3s: smallest K8s on your local

K3s: smallest K8s on your local

4 min read
Pushing your app in Docker in a few clicks

Pushing your app in Docker in a few clicks

2 min read
Swiss Army Knife for Kubernetes

Swiss Army Knife for Kubernetes

1 min read
Deploy app with Docker and SystemD in a few clicks

Deploy app with Docker and SystemD in a few clicks

2 min read