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A Quick Guide to MySQL Port Setup

Setting up and configuring MySQL ports is streamlined in this guide, aimed at developers and system administrators. The focus is on the importance of correct port configuration for effective MySQL server management.

MySQL utilizes ports as communication channels, defaulting to 3306. Selecting an appropriate, unused port is critical to avoid operational conflicts.

How to Configure MySQL Ports

Configuration File Approach:

  • Preferably choose a port number above 1024.
  • Access and edit the MySQL configuration file (typically /etc/mysql/my.cnf).
  • Update the "port" entry under [client] to your preferred port (e.g., port=3307).
  • Save changes and restart the MySQL server.

Direct Connection Method:

  • Use the command: mysql -h hostname -P port_number -u username -p, replacing with your server details and chosen port number.


Configuring ports is a fundamental aspect of managing a MySQL server, ensuring it is both accessible and secure. Although the default port is 3306, it can be changed easily through the configuration file or at connection. For further information, refer to the article The Ultimate Guide to the MySQL Port.

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