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Celestine Omin
Celestine Omin

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Terraform: Infrastructure as code - Part II

In Part I, I introduced us to the concept of IAC(Infrastructure as Code) using Terraform, and we explored the awesomeness of Terraform. While the code we used in Part I for provisioning a simple server did work very well, the system we eventually provisioned is hardly a scalable system and not one I’ll recommend for production use. The reasoning here is simple, running a single server for your entire application is almost as bad as lighting a match in a gas station, bad things can and will definitely happen. And I’ll strongly suggest that you refrain from this setup.

In this second part of our IAC series, I’ll want us to build upon what we started in Part I and we will try to build a semi-highly available system. In Code X of Part I, we had created one server with the following code

resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
  image = “ubuntu-16-04-x64”
  name = “web-1”
  region = “lon1”
  size = “1gb”
  ssh_keys = ["${}"]
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Code I

Now let’s expand on this code and create two web servers. To do this, we will add a meta-parameter called count. The count parameter can be added to any resource and it simply creates more of the declared resource based on the count value. For instance, we will add count = 2 to create two web servers.

resource “digitalocean_droplet “web {
  image = “ubuntu-16-04-x64”
  name = “web-1”
  count = 2
  region = “lon1”
  size = “1gb”
  ssh_keys = ["${}”]
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Code II

Notice the introduction of count = 2 in the code above? Now that’s how we create 2 web servers. If we wanted to create 10 web servers, all that we need do is to change the value of count to 10, if we need 20 servers, we change the value of count to 20, you get the idea.

The next thing that we will do to build our semi-highly available system is to create a loadbalancer and distribute traffic to all of our servers. Terraform provides us with a digitalocean_loadbalancer resource and we will make use of it. Adding a load balancer is simple, we will declare a load balancer resource, give it a name, choose a region, apply the traffic forwarding rules, add a health check from the load balancers to the attached machines and finally, attached our Digital Ocean droplets to these load balancers. That simple.

resource “digitalocean_droplet “web {
  image = “ubuntu-16-04-x64”
  name = “web-1”
  count = 2
  region = “lon1”
  size = “1gb”
  ssh_keys = ["${}”]

resource “digitalocean_loadbalancer “public_lb {
  name = “web-lb”
  region = “lon1”

  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port = 80
    entry_protocol = “http”

    target_port = 80
    target_protocol = “http"

  algorithm = "round_robin"

  droplet_ids = ["${}”]
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Code III

From the code above, we added a public load balancer to our infrastructure. The name and region are pretty self explanatory and both are required as also the forwarding rule. The forwarding rule basically tells us how to send traffic. The protocol of choice for our load balancer is HTTP which has a default port of 80. The entry_protocol and entry_port simply states how traffic are being sent to the load balancer and the target_port and target_protocol talks about how traffic gets to the attached droplets. It’s that simple.

The next important bit here is the connection algorithm between the load balancer and the droplets. In the case, we chosed round robin. Although Terraform only supports two sets of algorithm for Digital Ocean’s load balancer resource –Round Robin(round_robin) and Least Connections(least_connections)–other load balancing algorithm exist like Weighted Round Robin, Least Traffic, Source IP, etc.

A round robin is an arrangement of choosing all elements in a group equally in some rational order, usually from the top to the bottom of a list and then starting again at the top of the list and so on. A simple way to think of round robin is that it is about “taking turns. Used as an adjective, round robin becomes “round-robin. - WhatIs.

In the last section of our load balancer resource block, we attach our droplets to the load balancer using droplet_ids. We use string interpolation to reference the droplet ids, this, is how Terraform builds its dependency graph. There is a convention to using interpolation in Terraform, it follows the pattern of ${RESOURCE_TYPE.RESOURCE_NAME.ATTRIBUTE_NAME}. In our case here, we are referencing the digitalocean_droplets resource with the name of web and we are getting all its id attributes.

With the set up above, we have been able to put together a simple layer 7 load balancing. The only missing bit here is a database server.

Adding a database is simple, unlike AWS, Digital Ocean, as of the time of this article, does not offer a managed database service like RDS. We will need to roll out our own manually. To do that, we will create a droplet resource, just like we did for web. The code in Code VI does exactly that for us.

resource “digitalocean_droplet “web {
  image = “ubuntu-16-04-x64”
  name = “web-1”
  count = 2
  region = “lon1”
  size = “1gb”
  ssh_keys = ["${}”]

resource “digitalocean_droplet “database {
  image = “ubuntu-16-04-x64”
  name = “web-1”
  region = “lon1”
  size = “1gb”
  ssh_keys = ["${}”]

resource “digitalocean_loadbalancer “public_lb {
  name = “web-lb”
  region = “lon1”

  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port = 80
    entry_protocol = “http”

    target_port = 80
    target_protocol = “http"

  algorithm = "round_robin"
  droplet_ids = ["${}”]
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Code VI.

To get thing going and see its effect, we run terraform plan just to make sure things are fine and well sorted, then we run terraform apply to build the actual system. With the setup in Code VI, we have successfully build ourselves a simple infrastructure that is good enough to host a decent blog. In the next part of this series, we will talk about how to prepare our machine right after provisioning and install basic software on it.


While following the examples outlined in this article, please bear in mind that there’s a cost attached to it. When you run terraform plan then terraform apply and create a real resource at your provider’s end, they start billing you almost immediately. As a word of caution and this apply only in a non-production environment, always try to clean after yourself. For this purpose, Terraform offers us a really handy command called terraform destroy. The terraform destroy command literally goes back to your provider and delete/destroy every single resource that you have created. This is a one-way command and cannot be undone, so I strongly advise you do this in your personal or experimental environment.

This post was originally published on

Top comments (1)

alakazam03 profile image
vaibhav aggarwal

Thanks for the nice article! Loved it.
I guess you have forgotten to put "" in names of resources.