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Cover image for ABEND dump #3
Hercules Lemke Merscher
Hercules Lemke Merscher

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ABEND dump #3

Hi there, welcome to the ABEND dump! The issue where I share the most interesting content I’ve been reading, listening to, and watching lately.

Want to check the previous issue? Read it here: ABEND dump #2

Advent of YARV

Are you into advent calendars? And Ruby? And low-level code? All of them? So…

For those unaware, YARV stands for “Yet Another Ruby Virtual Machine”. It is the virtual machine used by CRuby.

Kevin Newton is doing an amazing job of documenting the YARV instructions.

Ruby, multidimensional arrays, and mutability

My latest publication. The title is already spoiling the content.

How we diagnosed and resolved Redis latency spikes with BPF and other tools

Matt Smiley goes down the rabbit hole in this thorough analysis of how Redis latency spikes were impacting GitLab and what the team has done to solve it. An impressively detailed technical article.

Are you into technical analysis from the inside out? Then this is for you, don’t miss it!

Dealing with Metrics at Scale at GitLab

In this insightful talk, Andrew Newdigate explains how metrics are used at scale at GitLab, and how to manage the noise.

Awesome SLOs

Lately, SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs became part of my routine work.

SLA = service level agreement, SLO = service level objective, SLI = service level indicator.

Steve Azzopardi started curating a repository called awesome-slo, which is super useful as it aggregates a lot of great related content about the topic, and is a good complement to the Google SRE books. I’m bookmarking it.

Split Your Overwhelmed Teams

In this article, Thomas Limoncelli digresses how the cognitive load is detrimental to teams, especially in bigger teams, and makes a case for splitting the overwhelmed team members into multiple teams.

TLDR, it’s kinda obvious that splitting a big team into smaller teams will lead to more efficient communication within the team, easier consensus, fewer meetings, and clear goals. What made me think was a need for repetition. Reflecting back on the past, I always caught myself sticking to at least one task or activity that I had to practice often, even though for short time frames over the week, but I’ve been in situations where I saw colleagues struggling to make sense of it and find purpose. So, food for thought!

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Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

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