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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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What effect is the Coronavirus having on your work life and personal life?

Do you go into an office on work days? Is your company taking precautions? Are you taking personal precautions? Are you planning on attending any conferences soon which are up in the air?

Latest comments (79)

tweettamimi profile image

Hey Ben! This has really affected alot of people, personally I am trying so hard to grow from this experience from a technical perspective and see what other companies are doing to help out with this. Some are giving out free tooling and infrastructure to build COVID project. I am using this to build an app that could help other people and wrote a blog post about it

mayankjoshi profile image
mayank joshi

1) no
2) no need
3) yes, in everyway possible
4) can plan on attending any conference because if the lock down.

elcotu profile image
Daniel Coturel

I live in Argentina. We have now 158 confirmed cases. The government has ordered a health emergency state, wich means only authorized people can move around. People working on healthcare, energy, public services, media, government and some few economic activities.

The rest of us must remain isolated, to avoid spreading the virus and collapsing health system. All the experts say this is the right thing to do, so home office is a must. I've been helping my clients to adapt to this. My full workflow is remote-able so I'm doing business as usual.

Things seem to be pretty hard everywhere.

invonto profile image

The NJ and NY state government announced an 8pm curfew today until further notice. We will be working remotely for at least the next week.

jeikabu profile image

I live in EU.

Things continue to escalate. Work started sanitizing everything and "educating" people on washing hands, etc. Then major conference attendance and non-essential travel was cancelled. Now everyone is told to work from home "until further notice". This has severely impacted certain aspects of the business although I can easily program at home.

Today borders are shut to anyone that doesn't live or work here. I was planning on visiting my girlfriend in Eastern Europe, but that’s all on hold since her country is implementing similar measures.

Some days I’m irritated or indifferent about the whole thing, but I bought some non perishables for my otherwise barren kitchen just to feel less anxious. I was in Asia during SARS and other crises, but this is completely different.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

The whole corona thing didn't seem much at first, but as it keeps spreading and spreading relentlessly it's going to have an impact on almost everybody sooner or later. Even if you don't catch it you'll be bombarded the whole day with news about it, major events will be canceled (or are already), travel will be discouraged or disallowed, you will go out less, economy is impacted, stocks are crashing, and so on and so forth.

I fear this "thing" will be with us and will dominate our lives (if not physically then mentally) for some time to come, and not in a good way, it's gonna be a drag, and way bigger than I initially thought.

jenc profile image
Jen Chan

I was triangulating between work on west side of town, night class on east side of town, and home which is midtown Toronto. Having the chance to work from home is making me less tired.

ronnidc profile image
Ronni DC

I work freelance on location. To day I was kindly asked to work from home starting tomorrow. So companies in Denmark are starting to take precautions which I think is a good thing.

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

An awesome conference that I planned on attending won't be happening anytime soon because if COVID-19. If curious: V LED Forum.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

I went to the mall today in Sydney (Westfield) to buy a pair of running shoes (because I'm going to run, virus be damned!) and Every. Single. Shopping. Cart. has a huge 36+ roll toilet paper pack.

My company has contingency discussions about what happens if there's a lock down (not out of the realms of possibility in super cautious Australia).

Despite this thing being in 90+ countries, best estimates are in low 1000s of deaths. Numbers do not indicate apocalypse. I have immunocompromised friends and relatives and of course do not wish this or any other serious illness upon, and of course, we haven't had a global pandemic in a while. But let's wait and see.

tirtakeniten profile image
Tirta Keniten

I live in Indonesia. Since corona virus infected all over the world, I was worried because the government always "take-it-easy" everything. Since I read many fact about corona, I am less worried right now but still take necessary precaution. From the data I saw on the news, about 50% have been recovered, means death is not the end.

I think China government to shut down some cities is right decision. It affected almost everything in my life. My stock portfolios are red, but luckily the gold price is rising. I work in hospitality industry, so the people that have planed to travel mostly cancel or postpone their journey. It's pretty much disturb the economy while other company applied unpaid leave to their employee.

zoebourque profile image

Twitter has announced to let their employees work from home. My company is doing the same thing!

amberjones profile image

I went to a tech mixer and no one was allowed to shake hands and it was awkward.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

cmelgarejo profile image
Christian Melgarejo

Has zero effect on me and coworkers, because we WFH and another thing, we live on Paraguay, we already have our own pandemic virus: DENGUE.
It's like coronavirus, with 4 mutations, there's mosquitos all the time to you have 90% chance on getting it no matter what and it's more deadly than the mediatic virus, so. meh.
Real corona virus

ivolimmen profile image
Ivo Limmen

I should be going to next week but it was cancelled. I was really looking forward to it :(
Luckily my hotel booking was also cancellable otherwise my boss would be stuck with a huge bill...

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