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Davide Bellone
Davide Bellone

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#30ArticlesForNovember, days 11 to 20

Hey folks, here's what happened during days 11-20 of my #30ArticlesForNovember

Don't you know what I'm talking about?

That's a personal challenge I set for myself. I decided to share a different article for each day of Novembers, in order to broaden my general knowledge, discuss with strangers and recognize the work of their authors.

This is the list of the articles I shared in the latest 10 days:

  1. Exploding Software-Engineering Myths
  2. C# indexers
  3. Fighting Evil in Your Code: Comments on Comments
  4. Dapper vs EF Core Query Performance Benchmarking
  5. Differences Between .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET Standard
  6. The 3 Stages of Failure in Life and Work (And How to Fix Them)
  7. Lean Testing or Why Unit Tests are Worse than You Think
  8. Think Twice Before Returning null
  9. Terrible interview question: Swap variables without a temporary
  10. gRPC vs HTTP APIs

As usual, not all the articles I shared are strictly technical- 'cause hey, we don't have to care only of coding!


This time I haven't focused too much on C#. Well, not on a specific feature! The only strictly C# article is 2, about indexers. Fun fact: I have understood what indexers are, but not why they exist! Well, I have to investigate more!

Coding approaches

The topics of most of those articles can be grouped in two words: "coding approaches".
Articles 1, 3, 7, 8 and 9 are not "strictly" technical but thought about how to get better in your day-per-day life. Different tips that bring great value.

.NET world

Even though I've always worked in .NET environments, there are still lots of things I don't know. Two of these are about the difference between .NET Core and .NET Standard and what is gRPC, that strange name that for me means nothing?

Well, I finally found an answer to those doubts with articles 5 and 10.

Another not-so-simple question: is EF Core better than Dapper? There's a word in this question to focus on: "better". What does it mean? However, with article 4 you can see how to create a really small benchmark and have an idea of what it means.


Article 6 is the less technical of all. It's all about failure, meaning that all of us will fail in something, that's natural, but we can work to avoid it or at least learn from our mistakes.

That's all for the latest 10 days!

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