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Davide Bellone
Davide Bellone

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#30ArticlesForNovember, days 1 to 10

At the end of October, I announced my personal challenge: share on Twitter 30 articles, one for each day of November.

Here's the recap of the first 10 days.

  1. Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration
  2. The Top Seven Least-Known, Yet Important, C# Features
  3. Learn From Source Code
  4. string vs. String is not a style debate
  5. 12 Tips to Maximize Your Experience at a Tech Conference
  6. What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
  7. Testing code that isn't there yet
  8. Under the Hood of C# Alias Types and Namespaces
  9. How to go from 3 views to 1,000,308
  10. 5 C# features that will help you to understand LINQ


I mainly work with C#. I love this language. That's why I think that articles 2, 4, 8 and 10 are great. Those are not articles for advanced programmers, but in those articles I found lots of interesting tips and features to learn.


One of my lacks is testing practices. I have difficulties with TDD. Also, I'm not sure if 100% code coverage is necessary for each project and if it really creates value. I haven't found a final answer, but with articles 1 and 7 I have a bit more confidence in what's going on.


Not only pure software development but also soft skills and blogging tips. That's what I learned from articles 3, 5 and 9.

The most timely

The article #6, about Console, Terminal and so on, was on my list when I created this challenge. It happened that the author, Scott Hanselman, talked about that topic at Microsoft Ignite. So, why not kill two birds with one stone?

That's a recap of days 1 to 10. Have you already read those articles?

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