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Software Dev Diary - Progress Report


  • Project kick-off day. Lots of challenges down the road, meaning lots of chances to improve my skills and learn new ones. Important as it comes at a moment when I was feeling like I was stagnating as a programmer. This project will take a while to complete, but I believe that, after this, it will be time to start looking for other opportunities.


  • Making progress on Frontend Mentor challenges and improving my CSS skills. Nothing substitutes learning by doing.

  • I'm also enjoying reading other people's code for the challenges and giving feedback where I can. I like the feeling of helping others improving their skills and keeping their motivation.



  • I've taken a couple days off from the gym. It's important to learn to listen to your body so you can align your actions with what it's telling you. I'm very active and disciplined, but skimping on recovery will lead to burnout quickly. Back again tomorrow for leg day.

  • I'm trying to keep my daily steps consistent with an average of 5K-6K. Harder to do on busy days, but the long-term average is what matters most.


  • Although I don't eat junk food, I could have limited the amount of carbs better.

  • Overall, I've been in a very low mood which is affecting my productivity. Over the years, I've learned that the best thing to do during these spells is to not think or not trust the thoughts that exude from this foul state of mind. Navigate the storm until it's passed and keep a steady, productive routine.


  • In a meeting setting, ensure you give all participants an equal chance to speak.
  • If you happen to interrupt someone, apologise and let them finish. Most meeting software allows you to "raise your hand".

All of the above should be obvious, but you'd be surprised how uncommon the common stuff can be.


Onwards and upwards.

How has your progress been?

Top comments (1)

yaw_19 profile image

I haven't really worked in an office environment before but all of this is prep for the future. Thanks Antonio. Watching on carefully.