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Diary of a Software Developer #3 - Inattention as Code

Hitting my head against the Cloud ☁️

A day mostly spent navigating the labyrinthine twists and turns of AWS CloudFormation. The AWS Docs are quite exhaustive, but they are sometimes organised in a somewhat disjointed way, making it difficult to find exactly what you need.

CFN-Lint did not pick up on a few parameters that I had passed to a template without actually referencing them and assigning them to a property. It took a couple of failed deployments and some perusing of CloudTrail events to quickly figure it out.

Months ago, it would have taken me much longer. Today, it took me a few minutes. I'll store that under Progress.

I seems to have become faster at writing Infrastructure As Code (from now on, IaC) in general. Though speed is not directly related to quality, being able to figure things out in a fraction of the time you once needed will make you more valuable.

Team meetings 🏢

Team catch-up to close off the day. Friendly atmosphere, but, in spite of that, I'm not taking it lightly and I'm striving to communicate my updates succinctly and effectively. The effort builds the habit and communication is key.

Pleasant as usual with lots of laughs and not much stress. It's never happened to me before, but I'm finally at a stage where I fully enjoy working with the whole team/company I am with. I look forward to talking to them or meeting them on our get-together days.

Partly, this is due to the good hiring process and ability, from the leadership, to select the right people and filter out the unsuitable ones.

Mistakenly allowing a negative, lazy or immature person (let's not kid ourselves, they DO exist) to join the team is an extremely dangerous mistake that can bring the whole operation down, and right quick, if not addressed promptly. I have previously left jobs because of mobbing, bullying and general horrendous work environment, so I'm not coming at this naively.

Upskilling 🧠

Completed another challenge on Exercism (theme: recursion) this morning. Today has been quite busy and tiring on a personal level, mind feels fatigued, so there won't be much more and I'll go to bed early.

Prioritise sleep and recovery whenever necessary.

Reading 📖

As per the upskilling part, not much of this occurred today either. However, I did discover this website/blog: Lelouch
I like the minimalist styling, the blog and learning updates and the writing style - promptly added to my RSS feed.

Till next time.

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