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Aniket Botre
Aniket Botre

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Day 8: Unveiling the String Symphony in Rust 🎻

Greetings, fellow code maestros! On Day 8 of my #100DaysOfCode quest with Rust, let's explore the harmonious world of strings – a vital composition in any programming symphony.


  • New Rustaceans commonly get stuck on strings for a combination of three reasons:
  1. Rust's tendency to expose possible errors.

  2. Strings being a more complicated data structure than many programmers give them credit for and UTF-8.

  3. These factors combine in a way that can seem difficult when you're coming from other programming languages.

  • String data type makes a very important part of any programming language. Rust handles strings a bit differently from other languages.

  • Understanding the differences between String and str in Rust is crucial for writing efficient and memory-safe code.

In Rust, strings come in two main forms: string literals and the dynamic String type.

String Literals: The Static Overture 🎡

Note: Rust has only one string type in the core language, which is the string slice str that is usually seen in its borrowed form &str.

String Literal or &str are called β€˜string slices’, which always point to a legitimate UTF-8 sequence. It is used when we know the value of a string at compile time. They are a set of characters and static by default.

let static_str: &str = "Hello, world!";
// Output: Hello, world!
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The static_str is a string literal with a fixed size, and it's immutable. String literals are convenient but lack the flexibility of dynamic strings.

Dynamic Strings with String: The Dynamic Crescendo πŸš€

The String type in Rust is essentially a dynamic array of bytes (Vec)

The String Object is provided by the Standard Library in Rust. It is not a part of the core language and String is heap-allocated, growable, mutable, and not null-terminated.

let mut dynamic_str = String::from("Hello, ");
println!("{}", dynamic_str);
// Output: Hello, Rust!
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There are several methods to create a string using String in Rust:

  • Using String::new() to create an empty string.

  • Using string literals and converting them with .to_string() or String::from().

String also provides various methods for string manipulation, such as:

  • Appending strings with .push_str()
let mut dynamic_str = String::new();
dynamic_str.push_str("Hello World!");
println!("{}", dynamic_str);
// Output: Hello World!
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  • Concatenating strings with format!().
let s1 = String::from("tic");
let s2 = String::from("tac");
let s3 = String::from("toe");

let s = format!("{}-{}-{}", s1, s2, s3);
println!("{}", s);
// Output: tic-tac-toe
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  • Replacing substrings with .replace().
let s = String::from("Hello, world!");
let s = s.replace("world", "Rustaceans");
println!("{}", s);
// Output: Hello, Rustaceans!
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  • Trimming whitespace using .trim()
let s = String::from("   Hello, world!   ");
let s = s.trim();
println!("{}", s);
// Output: Hello, world!
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Important points to note

  • Rust strings are UTF-8 encoded by default.

  • String literals in Rust are of the &str type and are stored directly in the executable's memory, making them efficient and fast to access.

  • Creating a new String triggers an allocation, which can impact runtime performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use string slices (&str) when possible to avoid additional allocations.

  • In many other programming languages, accessing individual characters in a string by referencing them by index is a valid and common operation. However, if you try to access parts of a String using indexing syntax in Rust, you’ll get an error.

Strings in Rust are like musical notes, each with its own tune, rhythm, and ownership dance. Join me on Github for more updates on our coding symphony! πŸ’»πŸŽ»βœ¨

RustLang #Programming #LearningToCode #CodeNewbie #TechJourney #Day8

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