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2.1 Define the AWS Shared Responsibility Model
AWS Shared Responsibility Model
Recognize the elements of the shared responsibility model
Customer responsibility - security “in” the cloud
- customer is responsible for securing their own cloud resources and data
AWS responsibility - security “of” the cloud
- AWS is responsible for securing the supporting infrastructure
- Inherited controls - customer fully inherits from AWS
- Shared controls - AWS provides infrastructure, customers provide control implementation for services
Patch management
- AWS - patching infrastructure
- Customer - patching guest OS and apps
Configuration management
- AWS - configures infrastructure devices
- Customer - configures guest OS, databases, and apps
Awareness and training
- AWS - trains its employees
- Customers - trains their employees
- Customer-specific - controls which are solely the responsibility of the customer
Describe the customer’s responsibility on AWS
- Describe how the customer’s responsibilities may shift depending on the service used (for example with RDS, Lambda, or EC2)
- Service determines the amount of configuration work a customer must do
- IaaS such as EC2 requires the customer to perform all of the necessary security configuration and management tasks
- management of guest operating system
- security patches and updates
- application software or utilities
- configuration of firewall on each instance
- Abstracted services such as storage customers
- manage the data
- classify assets
- apply appropriate permissions
Describe AWS responsibilities
- Configure, maintain, and secure physical devices and infrastructure
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