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Cover image for 🚨 AI customer service assistant to help teams in "state of emergency" times

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🚨 AI customer service assistant to help teams in "state of emergency" times

☝️ Ambition of the post

This proof of concept is here to show how AI can help deliver customer service even when the organization front-office is closed but where back-office are still - partially - up.

Hopefully people won't feel too much the emotion I had while producing this content due to lack of sleep and lowering down food consumption, and worrying about keeping my family and friends safe.

πŸ—žοΈ About

"State of Emergency" has been declared in my country, New-Caledonia :

Image description

In this context, some restaurants still made the choice to deliver food to its customers, but with degraded conditions :

  • Less people to achieve tasks
  • Less food to deliver

In this context, I took the choice to modify the current chatBOT:

🎯 Goals

My goals here are:

  • 1️⃣ Security : help people stay safe
  • 2️⃣ Save restaurant's reduced team's time so they can focus on their missions

This blog post is about a small action that shows what can be done to help them in their mission and how tech can help... and maybe help some of us to create Assistants to help in these hard times.

πŸ€– Demo

πŸ”– Resources

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