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Adrian Zinko
Adrian Zinko

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Monolith vs Microservices Architecture - 100 Days of CSH #3

Hello on Monday πŸ˜‰! In today's quick session I want to share some knowledge from the course I'm currently attending on daily basis.
As I said before I'm working as a JavaScript Developer and there is right now a big interest from my side on the architecture part of any application. It's a time for me I really want to dive deep into it and this course might helps me achieving that.
The first couple of lectures are concentrated basically on the theory behind microservices.

The first question is...

What is a microservice?

To better understand the answer let's compare this architectural approach with commonly known monolith pattern.

Side note: Most of the outlined resources (including diagrams) come from Stephen Grider's course Microservices with Node.js and React

Monolith approach diagram

Application built as Monolith includes all of the routing, middlewares, business logic and database access to implement all upcoming features.
Everything is tightly coupled, depended on each other. If any part of the app fails, the whole app is broken.

On the other building microservices infrastructure gives you the power of independence. App built that way is scalable and reliable.

Microservices approach

In Monolith application there may be a huge database that stores the whole app data.
When it comes to microservices, each service keeps its own data storage and there is no way to access that data from the other service.

Databases in microservices

This approach is known as Database Per Service.

The challenge that occurs in microservices app architecture is data management between services, basically the way in which we store data inside of a service and how we communicate that data between different services.

This problem is addressed and covered in great detail in the course I'm currently following. I'll be touching more on this in the next articles.

According to the work I've done today:

I've practice some Ankies (general stuff about js fullstack),
I've added user auth session logic to my personal project,
I've created 1 article on
I've spent 8 full 25/5 pomodoro interval sessions following Stephen Grider course on Udemy

Tomorrow I'm going to:

Spend at least 1 full hour our focusing on my project
Spend at least 25 mins preparing flashcards on holacracy topic
Spend at least 25 mins preparing flashcards on fullstack topic
Study at least 20 Anki flashcards
Spend at least 1 hour on Stephen Grider course on Udemy
Read 1 full article on
Read book for at least 30 mins - Cut Off the Tension (polish translation: Odetnij napiΔ™cie) written by Rebekkah LaDyne (from page 50)

See you in the next one! πŸ˜‰

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